Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh pn] be say " in BNC.

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1 There were 62 defendants ; those sentenced to death included one sentenced in his absence , and also Aissa Messaoudi , known as Tayeb al-Afghani , an illiterate 32-year-old ex-driver and shepherd who was said to have been one of the ringleaders .
2 A DUNGANNON motorist who was said by a magistrate to have a ‘ dreadful drink-driving record ’ was fined £550 and lost his licence for five years at Cookstown Magistrates Court yesterday .
3 It is a computer-generated image based on the calligraphy of Kobo Daishi , the 9th century monk who is said to have invented the Japanese phonetic script .
4 POLICE were last night hunting a ‘ maniac ’ driver who is said to have caused a crash which killed five people , including two young children .
5 His knowledge of Paris was confined to the underworld , but he did know that the bandit , Chicot , had a mistress who was said to be British .
6 A GHOST who is said to be the guardian spirit of Somerset orchards , in south-western England .
7 A shapeless GHOST who was said to frighten travellers and naughty children .
8 No — I daresay not — and in any case who 's to say what would have come of it ?
9 The other sizeable group of offences reported on is where the case involves someone well known ( e.g. Bronski pop man fined for sex offence or more frequently there is either fame by association ( e.g. GAY-SEX SHAME OF ESTHER 'S ‘ BROTHER' , where the inverted commas in the headline indicate the rather more tenuous link with television star Esther Rantzen than the headline immediately suggests ) , or the actor who was said to make £12,000 a year from impersonating Prince Charles , or someone who sounds from the headline to be well known ( e.g. CASTRATE ME SAYS GAY OPERA SINGER : He preyed on children .
10 On one occasion , Soraya saw a gynaecologist who was said to have been sent by Kim Roosevelt .
11 For those of us who ca n't make Goodison I think R5 has full commentary on the match … infact they interviewed Wilko last night who was saying that he had n't thought about whether or not anyone could catch Scum , but he was only interested in how many points we could get ‘ it 's like the Grand National ’ , he said , ‘ plenty of favourites fall the seconf time round ’ .
12 The report follows hot on the heels of the move by financier George Soros , the man who is said to have made £1 billion speculating on the collapse of sterling on Black Wednesday , who last month tied up a £500m investment with property giant British Land .
13 The man who is said to be in his 40s and local was taken to the specialist burns unit at Whiston Hospital but his condition is not known .
14 Can there be anything more telling about the deviousness of these people than his account of how they actually put on television and interviewed a man who was said to have died while in a prison cell , and that , moreover , they did it with the sole motive of demonstrating that he was alive and in good health .
15 He became , in short , a story in his own right , the man who was said to have used his great power as Downing Street 's anonymous twice-daily briefer to belittle ministers whom Mrs Thatcher intended to dispose of .
16 The house had been built on the Heath by an enterprising man who was said to have kept a tethered goat there , then to have put a wall round the goat and then to have built the house before anyone noticed he was purloining the land .
17 The new regiment earned its army nickname through the term of endearment used throughout the intimate conversation by the man who was said to be Mr Gilbey .
18 It 's interesting , you 're talking about our first caller who was saying that there was just too much television coverage
19 So if you get someone in that situation who 's saying I 'm desperate for money , I 'm claiming income support , I 've heard nothing and you have n't been told how much they 're entitled to .
20 John 's father had told him vague stories about a grandfather who was said to have spent his time in mysterious pursuits of his own , returning home at intervals to sire another child before disappearing again .
21 She says ’ Had I been alone and not so near a phone box who is to say I would not have said yes .
22 ‘ All of this may not seem important to you , but in history who is to say where understanding of a particular series of events starts ?
23 A named 40-year-old nurse who was said to be his previous girlfriend for seven years was reported as saying about her sex life with the man : ‘ We had a good love life .
24 We had a business man on Question Time who was saying that five hundred million pound fraud going on in the benefits , right ?
25 It was built around the shrine of Saint Alban , a Roman centurion who is said to be the first person in Britain to be executed for the Christian faith .
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