Example sentences of "[noun sg] [been] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Owing to the increased employment on war work , trade union membership had in any case been on the increase .
2 I would ask those concerned if they could be patient and given time I will refund all money owing to them including any interest that would have accrued had their money been in a bank .
3 Sentencing R v Barney ; CA ( Crim Div ) ( Bingham LJ , Ognall , McKinnon JJ ) ; 3 Oct 1989 A judge was in error in implying that , had a defendant been in a position to pay compensation to his victim , he might have received a shorter sentence than that in fact imposed .
4 Saner , Engineer to the Weaver Navigation , in his report to the Royal Commission on Inland Navigations in 1906 mentions Foxton Lift and its costly foundations , which might have been greatly reduced had the subsoil been of a nature or had there been available experience such as that gained in the course of the project .
5 How many of you' ve been before a Judge ?
6 But it is a feudalism where inequalities and poverty have been intensified by British colonialism and which has in the last thirty-seven years since independence been in a state of flux caused by the varying stages of capitalism which reach out to it from the towns and cities of the Indian sub-continent .
7 This mark-up would have been greater — almost 500 per cent — had the funeral in question been at the top of the market .
8 Not since the Jockey Club was founded 243 years ago has such radical racing reform been in the air and today is also the threshold of a new era which begins with Britain 's betting shops next Thursday .
9 Not since Alexandra Palace in North London has the Great British Beer Festival been at a site with so much style and heritage .
10 Had the station been to the right of track , then the second QDM would be the original , PLUS the angle off the nose .
11 Indeed , had the student been in a different ( e.g. less selective ) school or college , his/her performance might well have made him/her a success .
12 For example , in the following sentence : Since the last time we met when we had that huge dinner Ive been on a diet the first two tone-units present information which is relevant to what the speaker is saying , but which is not something new and unknown to the listener .
13 Sadly , though , we have in the past year been through the painful process of shedding a large number of jobs .
14 His mind had no doubt been on a myriad of problems , from the amount of lavatory paper required in the clubhouse to the quality of the claret in the sponsor 's dining room .
15 He said , ‘ 'As your dad been in the Merchant Navy ? ’
16 I have in my own way tried to point out that , of the world 's leading rugby nations , the game in south Africa has suffered badly not only as a result of its years of isolation — as many of those who have just visited the country during the New Zealand and Australian tours believe — but precisely because our officials have for a very long time been at the forefront of the trend towards professionalism .
17 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
18 there 's a wee bairn been in the , in the , in the , my daughter was staying in , and I had the other two .
19 But many Christians have in fact been through the fire .
20 The focus of much recent research has in fact been on the significant differences which exist between ‘ localities ’ , with the focus on the subregional level .
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