Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh adv] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seems that this is particularly true in the early stages of bereavement when so much has to be reorganized .
2 Poor , vulnerable government makes every problem worse , particularly in a continent where so many factors contributed to increasing poverty and very few to wealth .
3 During the war when so much was happening in terms of national legislation , the extension of planning powers and the marked widening of Government involvement in affairs of land and development .
4 How she would handle the top job when so many others had years of working experience in the service was a different matter .
5 IT IS encouraging to note that , in an era when so much of sport is packaged , marketed , and subjected to outrageous hype , before being offered to the public , the Grand National and the Boat Race continue to attract nationwide attention .
6 In the circumstances in which they were used they powerfully augmented other forces of change by providing data on the state of society at a period when so little was known .
7 At their elbows stand the ghosts of the fallen in the first world war , reminding them of that earlier occasion when so many ministers preached uncritical political guidance from their pulpits .
8 For the older men , who had sent their sons to slaughter , there remained a determination to make conditions better ; for the younger men there was an almost obsessive guilt at having survived the holocaust when so many friends had died .
9 hearts sung sentimental style Why so much , Country and Western In
10 lies Sad hearts sung sentimental style Why so much Country
11 And another at the 15th , a hole where so many second shots were being tossed by the angry wind over the clifftop .
12 It 's a funny thing how so many contactees are called George , is n't it ?
13 the main explanation why so long to reply is very much geared to the fact that we are in the hands of the Electricity Board for everything below the junction box on the street lighted column , if the bolt is in the cable , or a cable junction or in a circuit we are in the hands in another organization totally , who will have their own timescales and priority to responses .
14 In a world where so much was staged artificially it was like a breath of fresh air and Harriet experienced her very own glow of excitement and triumph .
15 Truthfulness and openness are particularly difficult aims to have in a British organization where so much of our education and background has been devoted to concealing feelings and to suffering heroically without protest .
16 It would be difficult , and undesirable , to isolate experiences which lead towards an understanding of number when so many arise naturally out of everyday activities .
17 The most common reason why so many families come to such a harsh decision is because their dog has behaviour problems they ca n't control .
18 Any policy which aims at exorcising envy and the concomitant sense of guilt — the reason why so many intellectually eminent individuals are attracted to levelling doctrines , because they aspire to purge the sense of guilt to which eminence itself is prone — by measures of social or economic equalisation is foredoomed to failure , because it rests on the false presumption that envy and envy-guilt exist only because they are ‘ justified ’ , because the materials exist on which they feed .
19 The reason why so many books and articles on the 1931 crisis end with the formation of the first National Government is that their authors are still obsessed by the time-worn and stale debates about Ramsay MacDonald 's supposed ‘ betrayal ’ of Labour , about a hypothetical ‘ plot ’ , and about the ‘ bankers ’ ramp' .
20 Mr Smith is the main reason why so many voters are prepared to trust Labour .
21 Madame was there every night , she was The Bar and she was also the reason why so many of us went there all the time .
22 The same approach prevailed following publication of the JCT 1963 form , which is probably one reason why so many surveyors still cling to its use long after publication has ceased .
23 Warm up first ( follow the exercises in Chapter 6 — The Walker 's Workout ) , start slowly and do n't hurt yourself , for that is the fastest way to break the routine in your programme and is often the reason why so many exercise programmes fail .
24 In the club atmosphere of La Cigale , the spark was always there , the reason why so many have gone out on a limb to should their name from the rooftops , but the Mondays are in danger of slipping into routine .
25 The reason why so many more women than men suffer from Cystitis is partly explained by the way their bodies are made .
26 Reliance on technology alone is the reason why so many information systems , no matter how impressive on paper , fail to deliver the results you hoped for .
27 Perhaps the reason why so many people say it or use the other favourite , ‘ yoU know ’ , at the end of sentences is that they are uncertain whether other people understand them .
28 A major reason why so many people live on low incomes is that national insurance benefits , such as old-age pensions and unemployment pay , are paid at below the income support and housing benefit levels .
29 Ironically , one reason why so many antiracist initiatives have failed is because they have assumed some kind of transitive relation between policy and practice .
30 However , the difficulties involved in providing a safe and reassuring environment for staff working with this group of people are one reason why so many professional staff still clamour to retain the old asylums ; in such asylums staff know they can summon help at a few minutes ' notice from a neighbouring ward and from resident medical staff .
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