Example sentences of "[noun sg] ['s] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 The essence of the association 's idea was to develop flats for sale and this would make it possible to bring in private institutional finance — eg from a building society which might then become involved in providing mortgages for the individual purchasers .
2 But again the proposal to omit " and dumb " from the Association 's name was not carried .
3 The Association 's view was influenced by war-time scarcities , and there have been subsequent changes in the structure of the industry .
4 Hurtled The plan was for his main chute to open at 3,000ft but it did not open and he hurtled to conclusion of the association 's investigation was that he had failed to locate the ripcord handle .
5 The Association 's Flight was subsequently honoured to be inspected by Her Majesty The Queen and to march past Her Majesty .
6 You could tell whether a horse 's misbehaviour was due to fear or plain stubbornness .
7 The German had intended to ride his Olympic gold medal partner , Walzerkoenig , on Saturday night until a few hours earlier when it was discovered that the horse 's off-foreleg was inexplicably swollen .
8 And there was Captain and my main horse 's name was Crudia .
9 The gaucho was a swarthy old man in a red woollen cap and a leather jacket ; his saddle was a grubby sheepskin , and the horse 's nose was bridled with a yellow wool cabeza .
10 Horse 's death was ‘ grudge killing'
11 The castor or wart that grows on the inside of a horse 's foreleg was also used as the basis for a drawing powder :
12 For the priests , in fact , were doing exactly the same trick , and probably by exactly the same means , as the old East Anglian and Scottish horsemen who made out and actually believed that the horse 's immobility was the result of some secret and magical device they had resorted to .
13 The brigade 's mission was to destroy the enemy , and the attack would begin at 0430 hours .
14 The other aspect of the 1991 World Cup that certainly caught the TV watcher 's eye was the inconsistency among the referees .
15 The jeep 's firepower was quite staggering , as the Vickers had a rate of fire of over 1,000 rounds per minute .
16 Her assailant 's fist was stopped in mid-air .
17 The exclusion from the survey of land held by customary tenures not only restricts attention to a minority , but seriously distorts the profile of effective ownership , for not infrequently the lord of the manor 's control was more apparent than real :
18 " And the little bear 's chair was smashed all to pieces by the little girl .
19 Should a court be prevented from hearing and acting on evidence that , despite the lapse of a few hours , a defendant 's temperament was such that it is fair to say that he or she was provoked to lose self-control , and that it was not calculated revenge ?
20 The plaintiff 's share of the responsibility for the damage he had suffered in the accident arose out of the finding that either he ought to have known that the defendant 's ability to drive was impaired or , more likely , that he had drunk so much himself that he was unable to tell that the defendant 's ability was in fact impaired .
21 The defendant 's vehicle was in breach of the Construction and Use Regulations for motor vehicles .
22 On 4 September 1979 a transfer of the property bearing the mother 's signature as the defendant 's attorney was executed in favour of C. and D. for a consideration of £24,500 .
23 The Hoge Raad , treating this as a case within the Convention and not one in which the defendant 's address was unknown , ordered that the plaintiff might publish a notice in a Belgian daily paper with a view to obtaining judgment under Article 15(2) .
24 The Court of Appeal considered that the defendant 's response was out of all proportion to the alleged provocation but on appropriate facts contributory negligence could be relied on as a defence to battery .
25 If he fails to establish , on the balance of probabilities , that the defendant 's negligence was a material contributory cause of his damage , his action fails .
26 The court held that the first defendant 's negligence was a cause of the death and he was held 25% responsible .
27 In Goldman v. Hargrave , a redgum tree on the defendant 's land was struck by lightning and caught fire in a fork eighty feet above ground .
28 It is true that the point was not adverted to , but the defendant 's counsel was Mr. Denys Buckley .
29 The ballistic expert 's evidence was that the defendant 's gun was fitted with a hammer block safety mechanism , which was in proper working order , so that it could only be fired if the trigger was fully pressed back .
30 The plaintiff 's ship was damaged in a collision for which the defendant 's ship was responsible .
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