Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] give they " in BNC.

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1 Regulatory agencies , however , are typically vested with a broad legal mandate which gives them discretion to establish standards marking out legally acceptable and unacceptable behaviour ( see Lowi , 1979 ) .
2 According to the theory of universal grammar , children start outlife with a universal grammar or language ‘ blueprint ’ in the mind which gives them some idea of the form that any language will take .
3 They lack the experience and practice which gives them the ability to communicate with the public : they lack common sense .
4 Two years earlier , Vlitos had persuaded T&L to investigate artificial sweeteners , and to spend £250,000 collecting katemfe berries grown in Ghana to extract the protein which gave them their intense sweetness .
5 cylinders of butter wrapped in butter-muslin which gives them a ‘ cloudy ’ appearance .
6 With great trepidation and much backsliding the tsar eventually granted the serfs a sort of freedom , but if their interests had been dear to his heart he could have committed himself earlier and pressed harder for a settlement which gave them an economically viable future .
7 They preferred their little aerosols of teargas which gave them a false sense of security .
8 Moreover attempts to relate language classes to other strands systematically have not always been popular , many students preferring a language course which gives them an insight into cultural trends , with texts drawn from recent magazines , broadcasts , etc .
9 In many cases they are now wider in scope than the function which gave them birth ; in others they are at least on a par with the sales function .
10 ‘ The most fortunate thing was that we found out he came from a village in Essex and by sheer chance Mr Woods came from the same county and knew the same village which gave them something to talk about . ’
11 This meant that people were no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory Church officials ; laymen especially were developing a personal spirituality which gave them a new confidence and commitment to their faith and which also enabled them to form an independent view of theology and Church organisation ; they no longer had to rely on the educated establishment .
12 It is this publication which gives them their force as a form of evaluation of schools , particularly as the intention of this part of the Act was to give parents information upon which to base their choice of school .
13 Early air travellers often flew for adventure , not just speed , and some travellers today , who do not have to cram a two-week break into a busy year , have gone back to earlier forms of transport which give them a far sharper sense of going places .
14 Religious language provided women with a powerful critique of male sexuality , a language of outrage which gave them their means of representation into the male world of public political debate .
15 The Founders appeared in the prospectus as holders of a Golden Share which gave them six powers .
16 Also every team needs a bit of luck — the Spurs game is a prime example did n't we hit the post twice and conceede a dubious free kick which gave them their goal !
17 They see Caller Display as a service which gives them a window on the world , through which they can stop unwanted calls and increase their sense of security . ’
18 The issue now facing policy makers is whether the tribunals are equated with the county courts and legal aid extended to them or whether structural changes are made which enable unrepresented litigants to have a fair chance to present their cases in a manner which gives them a fair chance of success .
19 Her Black Sea fleet had by this time been destroyed , the allies had landed not only in the Crimea but also at Nikolaev to the west and Novorossiisk to the east , and the Turks retained a position at Sukhumi which gave them the chance of counter-attacking in the direction of Tiflis .
20 Scientism is a not-unattractive doctrine , and was especially so to a rising professional middle-class who associated with it theories of eugenics and of mankind which gave them a pleasing sense of class and racial superiority ; but in the later nineteenth century there was no reason to anticipate these darker sides of progress .
21 He attributes this success to the strong bond that existed between the parents : a plentiful food supply ; the friendly interrelation of the chicks themselves , apparently because they were of opposite sexes ; and , not least , the shape and size of the nest which gave them space to keep out of each other 's way .
22 If professions have an implied contract with society which gives them ‘ status , authority and privilege ’ then society wants certain assurances in return … skill is not enough , there must be a code of ethics which indicates how clients and patients should be served and the attitudes that should be accepted …
23 Green plants have the marvellous capacity to harness the sun 's energy by means of their chlorophyll ( the substance which gives them their green colour ) to split the water molecule into its component elements , hydrogen and oxygen .
24 In a bid to simulate a cave of ice the set walls were coated in a fibre-glass matte mixture which gave them a shiny , brittle look under the correct lighting .
25 At the heart of the prohibitions and directives of the ten commandments is a definition of the ways in which man inhibits love both in himself and his society : inhibitions which are released in the gospel commandment of love that we The seven sacraments , traditionally linked to the wounds of Christ because it is his suffering love which gives them efficacy , are baptism , confirmation , penance , the eucharist , extreme unction , marriage and ordination .
26 ‘ People ought to be able to decide whether they want to take risks on the basis of information which gives them an idea of how much risk there is , ’ says Helen Peggs , ‘ but at the moment the information they get is often distorted . ’
27 Deliberately nurtured as an élite destined to man the upper reaches of the State , they developed a sense of their own importance and dignity which gave them the confidence to question the conventions of Tsarist society .
28 Yet far from ensuring loyalty to the status quo , their elevated position developed in them a sense of their own importance and dignity which gave them the confidence to question the conventions of tsarist society .
29 There are people who know that they have experienced deep within themselves a reality which gives them simple and overwhelming certainties about the real goals of human existence and which transforms their lives .
30 Their expressions were drained of personality which gave them the family resemblance possessed by a flock of sheep .
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