Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [indef pn] has " in BNC.

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1 The $64,000 question which one has to ask about this inflexible regulation is — WHY ?
2 Well , of course Gordon has the sort of Liverpool record which one has to respect and he is certainly not the man to argue with .
3 There is no reason to believe that an increasing disparity between the standards of morality and behaviour which one has grown up to believe were true and right and those displayed and legitimated in the surrounding society can not of itself provide the ground for commitment to a movement of moral reform .
4 This may look like an easy knock-down argument against a silly theory which nobody has ever seriously held : but what is true of mental pictures would seem to be true of any kind of mental representing process which encodes sensations in some determinate form .
5 I was only going to say Chairman I wish people would n't band the figures around the council chamber which nobody has seen before therefore ca n't assess .
6 ‘ There is one thing which nobody has picked up on yet , ’ confides Alex late in the evening .
7 ‘ Most people would say an Expo was to promote , to show the world what everyone has to offer . ’
8 They 're camped on common land which everybody has access to .
9 And this week the IMF made public what everyone has been saying in private : that there can be little foreign help on offer until the Soviet Union reforms its ‘ rotten ’ economy .
10 It is possible to take a stretch of language which someone has used in communication and treat it as a sentence for a translation exercise , or an object for grammatical analysis .
11 But in one corner of the churchyard , not far from the rotting wooden gate in the surrounding wall , there stands a cross which someone has taken trouble to keep upright and its inscription legible .
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