Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [noun] did " in BNC.

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1 I knew myself to be stupid , but I sometimes felt that I was n't alone , and that stupidity was a condition which age did not ease .
2 He looked down on the pretty garden and saw the two of them snoring there , their front claws tucked neatly under their chins which rested on silk cushions and their tails dipped tidily into the pond whose waters did not stir enough to move their dreams to wildness .
3 News spread like wildfire , but it brought Burke unexpected trouble in that a man called Samuel O'Rourke claimed to be a friend of the dead Byrne and challenged Burke to a fight which Burke did not want .
4 The Futurists , however , undoubtedly had an influence on the terminology of French painting and literature , and the bewildering mass of ‘ isms ’ springing up in 1913 and 1914 reflects also some of the spiritual restlessness which Futurism did so much to engender .
5 The alleged motive which John did not dispute was that he committed this crime to conceal another crime being the murder of MOIR McILCHENICH widow in Ellister and we are told that the last mentioned murder of the widow was " discovered " ( probably means committed ) by him and others .
6 He or she invents a product which consumers did n't know they wanted until it is made available , manufactures it with the assistance of purveyors of risk capital known as publishers , and sells it in competition with makers of marginally differentiated products of the same kind .
7 Nonetheless he stands out as a prophetic beacon , a fresh and radical thinker whose radicalism did not lie in attempting a consciously ‘ modern reinterpretation ’ of Christian faith , but in struggling afresh with the heart of the matter , and charting out a very different course from those being recommended on all sides around him .
8 At the beginning of the war the Security Service categorized the NL as a seditious body whose speakers did not hesitate to advocate methods of violence to achieve their ends , many referring to a coming revolution .
9 But the family simply shrugged and patted the air and went to the far end of the street , and moved into a cottage whose roof did not leak .
10 This adds a new dimension to Tamburlaine 's character which people did n't appreciate , and emphasises the fact that he is a man of many talents .
11 ‘ Faulty Optic do for the stripey booth what Archaos did to the Big Top ’ City Limits
12 Hope retraced his steps and came up alongside a Mr Crump whose mind had been cleared and relaxed by the stimulating freedom given to his prejudices : his expression was no longer that of the tentative , diffident social and artistic explorer : he was a hard man in his office dealing with a captain whose cargo did not comply with his list of instructions .
13 When he returned to the office on Monday Barnett called Tim into the office , an odd note in his voice which Tim did n't recognise at first .
14 But , in any case , I should have realized that a review of high seriousness like The Criterion , the circulation of which never reached 1,000 copies and I suspect hardly more than 500 , was supported by an intellectual minority whose allegiance did not wane on account of the neglect of a man of whom many may not have heard .
15 If Labour could not win at a time of economic gloom , bolstered by the most effective campaign it has ever fought , and facing a Government whose campaign did not really come to life until the last 10 days — then when could it ?
16 There was another reason which Marama did n't reveal , until the day before he was due to sail , when she told the painter that she was three months pregnant .
17 We have a resource which Jeremiah did n't have , but St–Paul did — the companionship of the Holy Spirit , to be the strength when our work leads to tears , and to be the encourager whatever we do and wherever we do it , so long as it is for Him .
18 Turning well inside the box he side-stepped Birney to hammer in a shot which McConnell did well to push out for a corner .
19 The prelude to this was set by another psychoanalyst called Otto Rank one of Freud 's er early followers who had published a book called the Myth of the Birth of the Hero and in this book what Rank did was to trawl through world folklore and literature , from myths of heroes , and of course there are a lot of those books , and dozens and dozens of them and what he does in the book is he distils all these dozens and dozens of myths and he finds that there 's a common pattern emerges and it 's , it 's pretty stereotypical actually and the common pattern is the hero is born of royal or divine parents , the hero for some reason or other that loses his parents or is cast out by them or is er exposed in some way , erm the hero is often threatened by some outside force and then rescued by er humble people .
20 SGML is supposed to be able to do for document-based information what SQL did for proprietary databases .
21 Last week look what Wrexham did to league champions Arsenal .
22 He had had a long-lasting bout of influenza early in the year which antibiotics did n't alleviate , and the attack had weakened him somewhat .
23 One characteristic which London did share with the rest of the country was an increase in turnout : 48.2% of registered electors voted , compared with 45.4% in 1986 .
24 Additional priorities must be to encourage the players to express some individual flair and support those who are prepared to have a go rather than just retain possession which Scotland did achieve against Samoa for long enough .
25 The side of his face became a range of grey hills towards which she was riding , on some animal whose hoofs did not touch the ground .
26 Wells , who worked for Geary 's at 22 Cross Street , almost opposite Oliver 's tobacconist , had described a man in the near vicinity whose description did not completely tie in with many of the other witnesses .
27 Yet it was not a straightforward choice between republic or monarchy , but between a state whose political basis was liberal democratic parliamentarism , and some other kind of system whose legitimacy did not derive from the theory and practice of one person , one vote .
28 There is much obscurity over his early career and indeed it is hard to state positively and with conviction what Kim did before the end of the Pacific War .
29 Then driving to the house in Donegal in her pea-green Polo Fox ( ‘ I did n't choose the colour , it was a present from my daddy ’ ) she admitted , with amusement , she did not have a real idea what Parr did , and did not care a jot .
30 ‘ It was a derby which City did not want to lose and we were left to make the running a lot of the time .
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