Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] even [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such was the success of El Cid 's enlightened rule that even Alfonso began to follow suit , ceasing his raids on the Andalusian Moors and seeking treaties rather than warfare .
2 A Great White Shark , because it 's a livebearer that even cichlid fanatics would have to respect .
3 The industry which has flourished since Classical times at Torre del Greco south of Naples has developed such expertise that even corals of Japanese origin are imported there for fabrication .
4 The Young Conservatives involved , intoned Naughtie , a strong note of disapproval in his voice , were mainly Scottish West Coast , former members of the Federation of Conservative Students , a body so high on lager that even Mr Norman Tebbit had been obliged , when Party chairman , to disband them .
5 It 's the suicidal greatness of America , I think Annabel means , to have raised opportunism to such a point that even people who would n't dream of ditching anything else feel that this has to be plucked out .
6 Yet there is a danger here in over-gilding the memory of Attlee 's Whitehall — a danger that even familiarity with the formerly secret record of his government can not entirely eradicate .
7 AT THE very moment that even members of the UDM are admitting ( belatedly ) Arthur Scargill was correct all along , Frank Morris ( October 20th ) berates him for the ‘ vicious attack he unleashed upon innocents during the Heath administration ’ .
8 Nature is likely to follow art , art here being the pure abstraction of Stavrogin 's remark that even negation is more than he can manage .
9 She 's about the only person that even Crumwallis is reluctant to employ .
10 There have been so many changes in education that even teachers find it hard to keep up — so professionals as well as parents will welcome the Parents ' Information Checklist , £4.50 from the Advisory Centre for Education , 1b Aberdeen Studios , 22/24 Highbury Grove , N5 2EA .
11 They left Smithfield , taking a different route back into the city , past the ditch which smelt so rank and fetid that even Cranston , filled to his gills with wine , stopped to gag and cover his nose .
12 Chopin 's early C minor Sonata provides reassuring evidence that even geniuses take time to find their true voice and identity .
13 There is also considerable evidence that even people entitled to , for instance , free glasses , must still contribute significant amounts to the cost , because the value of the benefit has not kept up with the cost of glasses .
14 I was talking to Maazel on the morning before the performance , having battled through a snowstorm that even Puccini , in all the Pelléas -like flurries of Fanciulla 's Second Act , could hardly have exaggerated .
15 Rumours were circulating last week that even OSF/1 , its nominal raison d'etre , would be given short shrift in those re-prioritisations .
16 In one field the soil was arid ; nothing seemed able to grow there but a sort of grass that even sheep disdained , and thistles a hobbled donkey was sampling .
17 FoE claim that even EC standards are inadequate and that the government has been fogging the issue in the run up to privatisation .
18 We are confronted with a man whose sole aim in life is to manipulate and destroy others , a dedication to evil that even Macbeth and his wife do not match .
19 ‘ I know now that there is something between a mother and her baby that even time can not take away .
20 When Harry smeared away the blood from his face and opened his eyes again it was to see Isambard standing with one foot flattening the whip to the floor , and the bronze lantern of his face blazing with such an intensity of dangerous , silent fury that even Harry , who was no longer threatened , shrank with sympathetic dread .
21 The scientific establishment can resist a new idea with such complacent zeal that even Joshua with his trumpets would have no effect .
22 He had heard the speech often , not only from Joseph , but from those like him , committed , embittered men with a vision that even Patrick with all the wisdom of his twenty years , knew would never be achieved in his lifetime .
23 Travel is so much the norm that even family celebrations such as marriage have become part of the travel business .
24 Pearce was standing in front of him , talking angrily and pointing to those doors as two other men began to push clumsily inside , admitting a gale of icy air that even Cardiff could feel from his position .
25 Meredith knew herself no cook but , inspired by the thought that even Aunt Lou at eighty-three could produce a bean casserole , she managed to produce leeks rolled in thin slices of ham , topped with a slightly lumpy cheese sauce .
26 It is now certain that Malta 's coach , Pippo Psaila , could not predict what Scotland 's team will be , for the simple reason that even Roxburgh does not know the answer to that one yet .
27 Questions must also be asked about why the sprinter has only now , after five months of considerable time and expense from lawyers , advisers and athletics officials , revealed information that even Morphitis did not know about .
28 It was an image that even Chen recognised , flying , as it did , over every teahouse in Chung Kuo .
29 Its price is expected to be about £12,000 — which makes the Reliant a better bargain that even Del Boy could afford .
30 She spoke with such hauteur and conviction that even Hoomey wondered whether she was telling lies or the truth .
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