Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] there [be] " in BNC.

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1 It therefore seems to the logical residents of our borough that there was a swing in Southend from the Liberal Democrats to both Conservative and to Labour .
2 The problem is that many people tend to decide far too soon concerning religion that there is nothing there to search for — nothing important to be bothered about .
3 The maxim on which I act at any moment is the personal rule which is guiding my behaviour — for Kant it is of the essence of voluntary action that there is such a maxim in every case .
4 It is also perhaps a sign of Boiotian isolation that there were no tyrants in archaic Boiotia , and that by the Persian Wars Thebes , then the first city of Boiotia , was controlled by a dynasteia , an irresponsible family government ( Thuc. iii.62 ) .
5 It 's that box that tells the fire brigade that there 's a fire .
6 It seems too that analogizing is so deeply involved not only in thinking but in perception that there is no hope of escaping from it by isolating pure observations from which induction can start .
7 That image was enhanced by the perception that there were exciting new developments taking place in the field of Spanish contemporary art with a new generation of painters led by Jose Maria Sicilia and Miguel Barceló .
8 But to deliver this programme successfully will require an invigoration of left politics , where hope for the dispossessed spreads to a sure-founded belief amongst the electorate that there is , after all , a worthwhile life after Thatcherism .
9 just by way of comparison for rough guidance that there is a regulation or or something like that which says , if I remember rightly , that erm er payments must not be made for either services or goods not supplied above a figure of two thousand pounds without er being taken to committee first .
10 In fact , we , we 'd create the best educated and trained work force that there is in Europe .
11 Mystics are overwhelmed by a consciousness that there is a dimension beyond that of time , experience of which brings such certainty of fulfilling joy , such transfiguring of the material order , that the only possible priorities for existence in time can be to find a way of life that will allow access to this dimension .
12 But that was perhaps not enough , and he went on to explain to the congregation and to the Prince of Wales as the new President that there was a ‘ more searching question ’ to be asked about validation :
13 Most instrumentalists agree with Marx that parliamentary processes are meaningless charades , significant only as a means of maintaining the key ideological illusion that there is effective popular control of state policy-making .
14 Swirling snowclouds and rain strengthened the illusion that there was no outside world anymore , and that they had all been transported to some frozen Hell .
15 We experience a lack of power , supporting Rousseau 's allegation that there is a ‘ tendency of all governments to degenerate ’ as the state 's freedom increases while ours slips away .
16 What dismayed him was the " infamous " allegation that there were more .
17 I heard mention that there is n't a charity conference this year .
18 ‘ I reached such a low ebb that there were many times when the last thing I wanted to do was to go out and play golf .
19 ‘ I reached such a low ebb that there were times when the last thing I wanted to do was to go out and play golf .
20 It 's quite another thing to share a summit with 60 people who express disappointment that there is no hot-dog stand .
21 It is a disappointment that there are to be 600 redundancies , but there is a continuing significant level of employment in defence at Barrow which is dependent on it and which has been sustained by the Government 's commitment to a strong defence .
22 Mr Maginnis , the UUP 's security spokesman , expressed disappointment that there was still no indication that the means necessary to disrupt the command and control structure of the IRA were being implemented .
23 Tom Shone , writing in the Sunday Times , was also struck far from dumb by Mr Meades ' novel : ‘ This novel bristles , like a Swiss army knife , with an array of pre-emptive critical barbs , with the result that there 's no abuse you can hurl at it which it has n't already hurled at itself .
24 You can buy T- shirts with the shop 's name printed on them , however , with the result that there are now hundreds of teenage girls walking around Tokyo with the word ‘ milk ’ blazoned across their breasts .
25 Farmers have got together and specialised , with the result that there are some very good success stories .
26 The user will also know how the new system operates by the time it becomes operational , with the result that there are likely to be fewer ‘ teething troubles ’ with the new system .
27 It has attracted not only widespread condemnation but a fair amount of sociological analysis as well with the result that there is a lively debate taking place about its origins and nature .
28 Cattle-ranching requires only a small number of cowboys and large tracts of land , which could alternatively be intensively cultivated , with the result that there is underemployment of labour and a low physical and economic return per unit of surface area .
29 Simulator development has been driven by technology rather than by the behavioural sciences with the standard result that there is a high reliance on face validity with relatively little resource devoted to systematic evaluation .
30 with the result that there is not the same readiness to combine forces nor the same understanding of what such combination might produce ( Young 1971:35 ) .
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