Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] have just " in BNC.

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1 As he values the entire UK direct sales market at about £1,000m , this means his association already represents 20% of the total — ‘ not bad ’ , he reckons , ‘ for an association that has just been launched ’ .
2 Commenting on the performance , Geoff Burns , a director of Murray Johnstone , said : ‘ We are pleased with the progress of the unlisted portfolio , with one investment that has just been floated and the prospect of two to come , including Stagecoach in three weeks ’ time .
3 What we were just saying Cath was , we was just trying to look at the , the tape that 's just come from Marcus , the erm the film and
4 The court heard only 72 cases in the term that has just ended , compared with twice that number a decade ago .
5 Players do not like setting down an instrument that has just become nicely warmed up , and taking up a cold one , unless there is a very good reason for it .
6 I am pleased that , in the new settlement that has just been announced , we have secured an extra £9 million of capital funding for the higher education institutions .
7 The news editor suggested , ‘ Let's team it with this other hit-and-run story that 's just come in : two black kids , in a car out of control , ran over four children , who were hurt but not badly .
8 It has to fend for itself , out of a budget that has just about risen with inflation in recent years .
9 Is n't it British Gas ' Chairman that 's just had that enormous pay rise ?
10 Right now there was more danger in the strange , yielding weakness that had just taken her by surprise .
11 All three do their best under Penny Ciniewicz 's rather heavy-handed direction , but they can not beat a first play that has just got too much to say .
12 And if you live in the area , you could get involved with a new branch that 's just opened in that region .
13 The farmer sent him to keep a flock of larks off a field that had just been set with winter corn : ‘ It was late November or early December ; and when it got dark about half past four time I made my way back to the farm thinking my job was done .
14 At last , pulling herself together , she went to give Joanna and Helen a watered-down version of the scene that had just taken place — watered-down because , for some subconscious reason , she felt that Dawn 's story was not quite believable .
15 Before I knew what I desired , the desire itself was gone , the whole glimpse withdrawn , the world turned commonplace again , or only stirred by a longing that had just ceased .
16 He was also carrying £70,000 which he was depositing in a bank for payment for the work that had just been completed .
17 It is quite incredible what has happened in my life — the help that has just seemed to come , the opportunities that have arisen , doors that have opened in all directions and , if occasionally one closed , it did n't matter because it always meant a better one would open later .
18 But it seems more likely that this fear has more to do with the childhood horror of seeing the parent scream at the ‘ smothering ’ cat that has just jumped up on to a cot or bed .
19 Because , about a week before John drew our attention to that matter of concern , I had prayerfully chosen a theme for tonight , based on the set gospel — the passage that has just been read to us from the first chapter of John .
20 This signalled the arrival of the half of the school that had NOT been early for assembly , who tried to enter the sports hall at the same time as the half that had just been thrown out tried to exit .
21 She was like a larger than life fantasy that had just come true .
22 Will my hon. Friend give greater and more sympathetic consideration to the question that has just been asked , because those of us who understand cask-conditioned ale — real beer — know that it is extremely damaging for it to be dispensed under pressure ?
23 ‘ Most of the residents are there on a permanent basis , but there 's a brand-new wing that has just been opened and is almost exclusively for short-term patients — people like Jennifer who ca n't be left alone , who need constant attention . ’
24 I will want to come back on the same point that 's just been made , but if before I get to that there are some other points that I think I should make in explanation of the lead we have given , if I may call it that , in putting forward the distribution of the Greater York total .
25 It allows us the conclusion that has just been contemplated : that the difference between causal items and their effects has its basis not only in the consideration that causal circumstances fix uniquely the occurrence of their effects , but also in the consideration that causal circumstances precede their effects .
26 In an instant she was aware of every detail of her appearance from the upswept Titian curls , tamed for the meeting that had just broken up in fragmented dissatisfaction among the main body of the directors , to her neat cinnamon gabardine suit and matching high court shoes .
27 One of my bigger irritations is when I have an enormously tight schedule taking me all over the country and I get calls — sometimes on my mobile phone when I 'm stuck in the middle of a field somewhere — insisting that it 's vitally important I attend a meeting that has just been scheduled for three o'clock that afternoon in London , which could easily have been planned at least two weeks earlier .
28 A wooden scooter he 'd made tipped me over the handlebars on its maiden voyage and he picked it up and smashed it to smithereens against a lamp-post , as if it were a cobra that had just delivered a fatal bite .
29 Heat the frankfurters by leaving them to stand in a pan of water that has just boiled for about 5 minutes .
30 I would say that if a person is locked up from that time at night , there 's circumstances , their perhaps observation for their own safety , erm any body else that can be trusted at night sanitation are not locked in , they have the facilities to go to the toilet during the night , I mean this person that 's just said must of obviously been ob observation or was locked up for a reason .
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