Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 Never threaten any action that it is not your real intention to carry out .
2 Accurate information about epilepsy is essential to avoid the perception that it is something to be ashamed of or feared .
3 Will he assure the House that the new planning practice guidance that he is to issue will give planners teeth , and not just false teeth , to deal with the unauthorised developments being built all over the country ?
4 But that same militant masculinity has to be seen for the contradictory and often conservative force that it is .
5 ‘ To have intercourse with a woman who is not your wife is , even today , not generally considered to be a course of conduct which the law ought positively to encourage and it can be argued with force that it is only fair to the woman and not in the least unfair to the man that he should be under a duty to take reasonable care to ascertain that she is consenting to the intercourse and be at the risk of a prosecution if he fails to take such care . ’
6 Academia is by now a necessary experience , in a manner it is never likely to have looked to Defoe or Dickens — something to be lived , for a time , and not forgotten — but quit in the consciousness that it is ultimately unlivable .
7 When you know something like that , you have absorbed it so deeply into your consciousness that it is never likely to be displaced , except perhaps by brain-washing or frontal lobotomy .
8 Claiming that natural processes are carried out by ‘ god ’ and then further claiming that evidence of the process is proof of the independent and prior existence of the ‘ god ’ , is an example of the ‘ circular logic ’ that is sometimes advanced as proof , and often can be quite difficult to expose for the fraud that it is .
9 And I think this inward investment that Professor Lock is referring to and the scale of investment that he is referring to must be considered as additional and and would draw in additional jobs .
10 Mr de Soto tells the president that it is not just the size of Peru 's state sector , which includes several hundred companies as well as the ministries , that burdens the people via the fiscal deficit .
11 It seems to be saying that the Queen of Hell , separating from the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother , becoming the Boar , fusing with Adonis , transforming him to Tarquin , and then destroying the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother under the illusion that she is the Queen of Hell , is the perpetuum mobile of the Equation . ’
12 Dressed in white tie , his delivery is conversational and informal , but , to sustain the illusion that he is making it all up as he goes along ( it is in fact directed by Peter Barkworth ) , he launches into too many rambling sidetracks .
13 A subject may take up the hypnotic suggestion that he is unable to bend his arm : ‘ He is actively , deliberately , voluntarily keeping his elbow stiff while simultaneously orchestrating for himself the illusion that he is really trying his best to bend it . ’
14 It deconstructs the language of communication , representation , or expression ( when the individual or collective subject may have the illusion that he is imitating something or expressing himself ) and reconstructs another language , voluminous , having neither bottom nor surface …
15 Their conversation was interrupted by the familiar sound of a girl 's badly-acted laughter from behind the bead curtain which led to the interior of the brothel , punctuated by the growling of a man who is under the illusion that he is cock of the dunghill .
16 There are computer games on the market in which the player has the illusion that he is wandering about in an underground labyrinth , which has a definite if complex geography and in which he encounters dragons , minotaurs or other mythic adversaries .
17 But nobody should be under the illusion that it is likely to solve any problems .
18 The UK Parliament is certainly not widely regarded as being at all competent in the scrutiny which it exercises over public spending , and few people are under the illusion that it is difficult for government departments to deceive MPs and Select Committees about necessary levels of expenditure and unnecessary levels of waste .
19 It has also been shaped for ease of packaging , rubberised and refined , with the result that it is often quite tasteless .
20 They have also been attacked by the courts , with the result that it is difficult to see what practical effect such clauses might be thought to have .
21 Satisfactory for a time , this afterwards perished , with the result that it is now almost impossible to find an example where most , if not all , of the leaves are not loose in the binding .
22 In explosive breeding , all reproductive activity is packed into a few days , with the result that it is highly synchronised .
23 The general theory of the second best then provides the unhelpful result that it is not necessarily better to move prices in those sectors which can easily be adjusted , so as to align more closely with marginal cost .
24 The first paragraph , for example , comes from p. 10 and the second from p. 13 ; and all the connections Leech and Short make between these pages have been lost , with the result that it is not clear how the first paragraph leads to the second paragraph .
25 But perhaps we have grown over-concerned about the conscious levels of rationality and suppressed for too long the reservoirs of subconscious feeling which the Spirit seems to touch and use when a man prays in tongues , with the result that he is built up , even though he can not understand what he is saying ( I Cor. 14:4 ) .
26 The acceptance of a claim within the terms of the Statement of Practice is not an acceptance by the Revenue that it is factually correct .
27 If we ask who is to gauge that ( presumably not God ) , he gives the unhelpful and not a little pompous reply that it is ‘ known with clarity and precision only by some few thinking men in every nation and every age ’ ( p. 64 ) .
28 He will reveal in tonight 's BBC1 Panorama programme that he is worried about facilities at the Berkshire plant run by private contractors since April which date back to the early days of the nuclear age .
29 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
30 Accordingly in such cases there must be an implied term of the contract with such an agent that he is entitled to act for other principals selling competing properties and to keep confidential the information obtained from each of his principals .
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