Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [pers pn] see " in BNC.

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1 He was always grateful for ‘ the healthy and restorative force that I see in the country . ’
2 It was when he finally reached the end of the turning by the Rotherhithe.Tunnel entrance that he saw the three standing together across the street .
3 The energy and enthusiasm black youth have for certain sports and the disproportionately high number wanting to take up sport as a career provides at least the initial indication that they see in successful black sportsmen models for themselves .
4 ‘ To Lucinda ’ , because of its date , is an important indication that she saw a need to tone down her protests as she approached a polite readership .
5 And it 's funny because the last car that I saw the fellow 's from I saw the fellow 's who did it .
6 Ladies and gentlemen erm about three years ago we finally decided to restore this car that you see behind us and although it was er an impossible task at times we , we carried on regardless and I hope that you 'll agree that everything you see today , plus the fact that seeing everybody out here , I think we , you 'll agree we made the right decision and er we feel that as long as this car is in this position that nobody 'll erm have any doubts who the Three- Ninetieth Group were and er , I think er , I think we 're all proud of this day particularly .
7 Oh well here 's the college that I saw
8 ‘ did drive ’ Driving is usually proved by witness statements to the effect that they saw the defendant drive .
9 And this light that I see ?
10 The kind of non-randomness that we see in living systems , on the other hand , is equivalent to a gigantic combination lock with an almost uncountable number of dials .
11 This masked figure that you saw — you 're certain that it was not your master . ’
12 So obsessed was he with the details of administration that he saw nothing inappropriate , while Governor-General of Nigeria , in personally composing a memorandum on the issue of chamber pots to second-class administrative officers : he was , he said , against it .
13 Of course , that Shape of Laburnum that you saw — that 's old-fashioned now .
14 It was only when he moved round to the side that he saw the blue , chapped ears and the hair , frozen and brittle , as if you could snap it off .
15 It is often in popular fiction that we see most plainly the conventions that writers handle and readers learn , and where literary competence begins to be developed ’ .
16 And then as he turned and walked away he took the blackjack , which had come out of his pocket in the same handful , and tossed it into the first unblocked drain that he saw .
17 ‘ Until you put it all together for us , we had nothing more than a report from a cab driver that he saw a man and a woman pushing such a barrow along Holborn and up Charterhouse Street . ’
18 I think communications has been the biggest change that I saw , erm er from a system which was called the DX system , which is really a very primitive way of calling people by means of generating electric current over some private wires , to fireman 's houses and on to fire station .
19 Do n't make the mistake of thinking of your machine 's case as the most important part of the machine just because it is the bit that you see most of !
20 Skilled , semi-skilled , non-skilled workers see the different levels of of livelihood that you see to be measured on sort of thing and er therefore you 've got ta good way of representing this society as a whole have n't you .
21 Was it his fancy that he saw Phil Jordan staring at him morosely through an upper window ?
22 A teacher in the Transylvanian city of Cluj told the Guardian that she saw corpses lying in the streets after troops opened fire on demonstrators .
23 It was when she turned away from the window that she saw it .
24 In the range that you saw .
25 I enjoyed all the tennis that I saw , not only Steffi Graf 's match — in fact the match I enjoyed the most was the semi-final between Shriver and Zvereva , and Elna Reinach and Sandy Collins .
26 The argument developed in this chapter is that teachers can ill afford to take this blinkered attitude towards LMS , even if in doing so they appear to be adopting a coping strategy that enables them to focus on those aspects of their work that they see as most important .
27 Do you do anything like , do you have any friends from work that you see outside of work ?
28 But it is this commercial work that he sees as fulfilling a far more important function — it is the means by which he is able to fund his own personal projects .
29 It was only by craning his neck to a painful degree that he saw that he was suspended in mid-air , a foot or so above the sea .
30 Gentlemen : It is with great regret that I see so many students labouring day after day in the Academy , as if they imagined that a liberal art , such as ours , was to be acquired like a mechanical trade , by dint of labour , or I may add the absurdity of supposing that it could be acquired by any means whatever .
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