Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [be] high " in BNC.

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1 But the cost of resistance has been high in blood , in material destruction , in local misery and humiliating international paralysis .
2 George and Marie are very disappointed , especially as they have both been working around the clock since the expansion , managing the Brasserie and L'Auberge respectively , interviewing and training new staff ( labour turnover has been high at the Brasserie from the start and is now significantly higher at L'Auberge too ) and filling in whenever necessary at either establishment .
3 Turnover has been high and several households have been rehoused in local authority stock after experiencing difficulties maintaining payments .
4 Staff turnover has been high in the last few years as school closure has loomed closer .
5 Since the 1940s military expenditure has been much higher , unemployment has been low and economic growth and profitability has been high .
6 The level of security PortKnox gives is high , but you pay a price .
7 By contrast , Richard Smith and David Thomson have argued , on the basis of long-term demographic evidence , that forms of retirement have existed throughout history and ( particularly if one excludes the high birth-rate nineteenth century ) that there have been many periods in which a simple dependency ratio of the elderly to the non-elderly population has been high .
8 Because borrowing has become easier , and because confidence has been high , personal savings have been falling around the developed world .
9 Indeed , in situations where Health Authorities have had easy access to the skills of economists , as through the York Health Economics Consortium ( University of York , 1990 ) , demand has been high , suggesting that the appropriate skills for the assessment of efficiency have been lacking in the past .
10 Demand has been high and two further courses have been scheduled , one in February and one in March , both of which are fully booked .
11 The participation rate has been high and the method of eliciting responses , which identifies individual reactions and then tests them out in two other contexts , has produced a reliable collective record of student experience .
12 The ‘ cost ’ of the Government 's overall strategy of creating an incentive-based society has been high — quite apart from the hardship caused to the millions of individuals affected .
13 Demand for the new course in Graphic Communication has been high in the School and with the latest in Computer Aided Graphics and Design forming an integral part of the course it is already proving very popular with our pupils .
14 The Committee itself concluded ‘ that the overall technical standard of the operation has been high , both in the sense that the signal itself has been generated with great skill and proficiency and that the practical and logistical problems associated with presence of televising personnel and equipment have been kept to a minimum ’ .
15 My own personal opinion , regardless of what other people think about sectionalization , is that our sectional structure is something which was wi er built up , at times with difficulty and prices have been high and pay has been high .
16 The new complex lends itself to mechanised materials handling … whilst the cost of construction has been high , rental costs have been eliminated .
17 The cost has been high interest rates — above German rates and 6 p.c. or 7 p.c. above our own inflation rate — at a time of deep recession .
18 ‘ Tuan , ’ I said , very slow and serious , too , ‘ it is a good thing , but the cost has been high . ’
19 In much of the West where productivity has been high and population increases relatively small — in some countries zero — the problem confronting agriculture has been how to control expensive surpluses .
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