Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [vb pp] through " in BNC.

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1 According to figures from the British Direct Marketing Association , over two thousand million items of direct mail were sent through the post in 1989 , at a cost of £758 million .
2 By many Christian Aid was seen through a glass darkly as just one of the charities helping to relieve the ‘ problems ’ of the Third World .
3 This labour force was regimented through a succession of intermediaries — bailiffs on the largest farms , foremen and charge-hands elsewhere — in order to co-ordinate the frenetic periods of often complex and arduous activity , such as seed-time and harvest .
4 Suppose , for example , that all government tax revenue was raised through income tax .
5 Well they were bubbling this morning , I think mainly because of Saturday , when it r we were reall the whole club was lifted through Saturday afternoon because something was shown that erm has n't been shown for quite a while here .
6 Well they were bubbling this morning , I think mainly because of Saturday , when it r we were reall the whole club was lifted through Saturday afternoon because something was shown that erm has n't been shown for quite a while here .
7 This seems to have been the extent of the later celebrations , for in 1862 the Mercury reported that no plough was drawn through the streets as was common in the festival .
8 When this latter batch was modernised in 1936 , a centre gangway was cut through the benches to make life easier for the conductor .
9 In an additional group of subjects ( n=4 ) , the endoscope was passed through the ileocaecal valve into the terminal ileum for perfusion of oleic acid ( 24% ) .
10 Many biologists , and in particular the American Llyn Margulis , suggest that the first eukaryotic cell was formed through a symbiotic association of different prokaryotes ; by a coming-together of bacteria .
11 The research was conducted through the collection of data at the conclusion of an investigation or once a referral had been dealt with and closed via other action .
12 Briefly , the study was conducted through a series of group discussions with unskilled workers in three areas in England .
13 Darren has called the AA twice : once when the battery went flat and again when the distributor cap became soaked after the car was driven through flood water .
14 A DRIVER whose car was towed through a red light was amazed to receive a £40 fine .
15 At the end of the procedure , a Foley catheter was introduced through the Amplatz sheath and placed on free drainage .
16 The first canal tunnels were built without towing paths which meant that horses had to be unhitched and led over the top of the tunnel while the boat was taken through it .
17 When Scotland was under the management of a powerful politician , such as the Earl of Ilay or Henry Dundas , almost all worthwhile patronage was channelled through the manager 's hands .
18 The first I heard of my part in Talking Heads was when the script was pushed through my letterbox .
19 A fine needle on a syringe was introduced through the cyst wall , and air under pressure pushed the syringe barrel outwards .
20 Gate receipts brought in a further £750,000 and a similar figure was produced through merchandising .
21 A shotgun was fired through a close into a door and two men were injured .
22 These were based on a faith in the rationality and cooperative character of man and in the possibility of building a more harmonious society once inequality and exploitation were removed through state action .
23 Between 1979–87 , including consolidation and statute law revision , eighty one acts reforming and updating the law were passed through both Houses of Parliament .
24 Savings of £70 million overall were made through increased efficiency .
25 Well , the gravestone certainly stands by the porch and it does have a hole drilled through it , said to have been where the iron stake was hammered through the stone into the coffin , but I 'm afraid that I agree with the general consensus voiced around the bar of the Sun Inn and the George and Dragon that George Hodgson was guilty of nothing but old age , that the only thing he sucked were his gums , and that the hole in the stone was made for a railing or gatepost .
26 The bitterness and confusion over delimitation , which had led to the drafting of a bill in 1911 outlining the two distinct districts , ‘ Champagne ’ and ‘ Champagne Deuxième Zone ’ , was still unsolved and an amended law was passed through the new government in 1919 .
27 Success as a burglar was achieved through skill , daring , and an ability to change his appearance — a considerable feat considering his distinctive appearance .
28 But , like Symons ' case-studies , the male gaze was eroticized through the cultural distance between observer and observed , exemplified in Munby 's fascination with the emblems of Hannah 's working class physiognomy .
29 Our coach was escorted through the traffic by a score of motor-cycle policemen : and we caught our train . ’
30 Within minutes of leaving the museum , Mr Hurd was in deep conversation with the Foreign Minister , Mr David Levy ; the two hour session was conducted through interpreters , but Mr Hurd and Mr Levy had a long conversation afterwards in French which both of them speak fluently .
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