Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv prt] [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , if I sell at a time when there 's still a recession on and you see somebody has to get my they had a visit perhaps that was somebody that actually bought a house , not she not
2 And they took another driver on and he does a lot of that , the runs there you see .
3 Saying er , I was telling it the other day , she said you could spend all that money on and she said , we went to see this horse , it was years ago before they got their own , she said the horse had just had its foal and it was like he 'd spent a thousand pound on the , the actual stallion yeah and it come out
4 We can put a bucket on and it fills ours up , she can put a bucket on and it 's flat .
5 We can put a bucket on and it fills ours up , she can put a bucket on and it 's flat .
6 No , but if Fran walks in , if Fran walks in they 'll just put , they 'll put a toy on and they 'll take it out
7 Well I mean , if somebody 's got a slightly different shirt on and it
8 so when somebody says to him what sides your heart on and he says right they say no , he says yes it is
9 you know , took an hour down and he just got that done , but I , I 've meant to ask him if those have made any difference , you know , having done in
10 You know you 've got to get your foot in and you know if you 've got erm people in tackles , come on , they are n't any different to anybody else and maybe I thought we could have done that a little bit better .
11 Another piece of equipment I use is my boots , my shoes , my trousers , my clever truncheon pocket , it 's a long thin pocket which I can put the truncheon in and it hides away .
12 ‘ Put the shell down and we 'll go through it all . ’
13 Can can I just say that I think it 's interesting that Mao 's sort of targeting the local tyrants and the erm the evil gentry I mean because you could , you could ar argue that basically the landlords are only trying to get a return erm which is , which is equal to what they can get if they invest all their money in or you know erm or whatever or big cities
14 Yeah I know I know it 's got a lot of milk in and I did ask for it for you , but she still give me one like that .
15 Erm no frictional resis resistance , you just put your foot down and it 's , you know where a car accelerates from rest
16 I mean the Sierra , it 's a good offer on the Sierra but it 's , it 's like the basic engine and I do like a car that you know , you can put your foot down and it
17 You have to pour the custard on , and the they ask for more custard so you pour more custard on and you could just leave it .
18 Yeah , we have telly on and I er I 'm cooking and doing things in the kitchen , there 's more cups of teas and everything .
19 but if I come back in night time I have to put that light on and it 's empty
20 There 's a li he puts a light on and it lights it up down the , a long way down .
21 And I could hear and I could hear and I turned the light on and it would n't come on !
22 If I do n't put that light on and he comes in and puts the light on , I wake up just like that .
23 She had this pervert on and he was going on all through everything you know what I mean ?
24 who speaks to you , er it 's easy enough to just er have the microphone handy that they do n't see and just switch the tape on and I 'll record what they 're saying , come away , see , do it secretly like that , they do n't have to know really that they 're on tape and it does n't really matter , I mean the people who will listen to these tapes are er anonymous you know
25 let me finish , if it makes them feel better if you wan na wear a wig or doughnut , you wear one , if you want to stay bald , you stay bald , but whichever way it does n't interfere with my life , right , so if you want keep a wig on and you feel happy and you feel more of a person , erm then fine .
26 And my pictures were upside down but I could see the rings of Saturn with it , which was more than what Galileo saw first when he looked , he thought there was two stars at either side of Saturn .
27 ‘ My guess is they came for some of Connie Fraser 's clothes , found the place upside down and me on the floor , then when they reported to Bonanza he told 'em to forget about the clothes . ’
28 Very , very confusing this is , the world is going upside down and he do n't know what 's going to happen next you see , for instance looking a year ago , two years ago the wall , the Berlin Wall was standing and the Russian empire was feared , all over the world , and now this day , it just fell on its face
29 was in the back room cos of the size of the fireplace and one in that corner but they 're in the way , that was only temporary while the house is upside down and I 've put two
30 Turn it upside down and you still ca n't see what it is . ’
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