Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] that [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 A solid forward base and sound defence is not enough , because it 's try points that count at no-time .
2 ‘ Equalization of lifetime income profiles ’ concerns inequalities in lifetime income growth and involves developing career income profiles that rise with age .
3 They offer hope for thousands of guitar bands that have felt rejected and superfluous in a music business strangled by drum machines , synthesised dance music and passing fads .
4 The plan has ten key priorities with specific action points that provide a framework for the Institute 's activities over each 12-month period .
5 White clover is polymorphic for the presence or absence of cyanogenic glucosinolates and is also polymorphic for the beta glucosidases that release HCN from glucosinolates when a leaf is damaged .
6 Japan 's Industrial Robots Association thinks that demand for inspection and maintenance robots in the country 's nuclear industry will grow to £53–25 million in 1985 .
7 Two of the crew stayed to oversee the unloading of the meagre cargo , and the rest were paid by Finnan with the same silver knuckles that Bicker had purchased the company 's passage with .
8 ‘ But he who is in quest of picturesque scenery of the Lake ( Derwent ) must travel along the rough side screens that adorn it and catch its beauties as they arise in smaller portions , its little bays , and winding shores … its deep recesses , and hanging promontories , its garnished rocks and distant mountains . ’
9 Within the mud is a scattering of angular boulders — rock fragments that have been carried from the land by icebergs and dropped as the bergs weather and melt .
10 One argument for common investment funds is that at the moment they provide a way of getting round the narrow and wider investment bands that dictate charity investment .
11 A further advantage is that whereas with a series of debentures with a charge on the company 's assets it will be necessary to say expressly in each debenture that it is one of a series each ranking pari passu in respect of the charge ; debenture stock achieves that result without express provision .
12 They must keep them low because wages are labour costs that have to be deducted from profit ( besides , if the workers do not like the pay there are plenty more around who will take it ! ) .
13 Many such branch operations currently have most of their taxable investment income determined according to apportionment rules that have changed little since the First World War and have become increasingly inappropriate .
14 ‘ Our research shows that Amex members generally lead active social lives , regardless of whether or not they spend their weekends risking life and limb and that there is a need for this sort of cover .
15 The result shows that head neural crest is from the very beginning different from neural crest in other regions , and any other neural crest placed in the head leads to abnormal head development .
16 From a distance I have managed to see something of their spectacular courtship frolics that take place both on the ground and in the air and I have listened to their songs which , though not rich in melody , seem just right for a world of cliffs and screes .
17 From a distance I have managed to see something of their spectacular courtship frolics that take place both on the ground and in the air , and I have listened to their songs which , though not rich in melody , seem just right for a world of cliffs and screes .
18 In fact , the healthy eating rules that apply to everyone , stand us in good stead for preventing high blood pressure and heart disease .
19 Though a little patchy , there is more than enough to keep fans happy and several killer cuts that show Nirvana already distilling the heady brew of metal , punk and pop which was to lead to Smells Like Teen Spirit — the track critics have called the best rock song ever .
20 Funds on particularly favourable terms are available for investment projects that serve environmental protection in the Federal Republic of Germany and in regions bordering on the Federal Republic .
21 ‘ They will be very popular people — perhaps even more in demand than the producer — and should be able to sign short term contracts that allow them to continually search out the people willing to pay them most money . ’
22 As in the UK , outside organisers sponsor special research projects that need bigger wodges of money than the university can provide .
23 Police believe Nowacki was the victim of an attack by hit men hired by one of the Polish organised crime syndicates that have cornered the stolen car market in Germany .
24 It may be that they are in fact onycophorans , a group of arthropods now represented by caterpillar-like velvet worms that burrow through dead wood in Australia .
25 It thinks in years , not months or weeks : the three or four years it takes to reach a degree ; the similar or longer period needed for a doctorate ; the intellectual shifts that occur over decades , even centuries .
26 For example in the case of deep bed undergravel filters that have been running for years , a gravel cleaner is attached to the intake of the power filter and as the gravel is hoovered the mulm is trapped in the filter and clean water returned to the tank .
27 Spring balances that weigh in excess of 30lb are available for those anglers who expect , or at least hope , to catch carp and pike heavier than 30lb .
28 However , even with their aid it is thought by some to be unlikely that the outer Moon could have been melted quickly enough to yield those highland rock samples that have given radiometric ages of about 4300 Ma and older .
29 Research indicates that support for families , especially those identified as vulnerable , should have high priority in social policy and public spending .
30 This study indicates that octreotide injections impair postprandial gall bladder contraction for at least four hours .
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