Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] it for " in BNC.

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1 All of these methods of teaching are based on the understanding that , in addition to being given information , young people need the opportunity to discover it for themselves .
2 Dingiri Banda Wijetunga , who has been appointed acting president and will probably get the job permanently because the UNP has enough votes in parliament to secure it for him , is an unassuming 71-year-old compromise candidate .
3 Any attempt to evade it for the sake of the ‘ purity of the ‘ socialist ideal ’ ’ , 'he warned , would simply lead to a further expansion of the bureaucratic apparatus and to the dictatorship of the producer .
4 It would do me no harm to accept it for what it is : an idiosyncrasy of chub , and stop trying to find out why .
5 He went upstairs to his shattered bedroom to fetch it for Harry .
6 Its death had been postponed , which had enabled the Hunt Ball Committee to hire it for the triumphant last appearance of a house that had outlived its glamour , and all kind importances .
7 Get a girl to do it for you .
8 ‘ All we do know , ’ he concluded , ‘ is that the assassin must have been a member of the community at the Tower who knew Sir Ralph had changed his bed chamber , and he or she either committed the murder or hired a professional assassin to do it for them . ’
9 The major part of the job is electrical and if you 're not confident about tackling this , get a qualified electrician to do it for you .
10 They employ a fungus to do it for them .
11 have managers been made adequately aware of the potential of the system and given help to use it for strategic and management control decision making ?
12 The question is whether the prohibition on alienating the land followed by the exhortation to keep it for descendants amounts to a trust .
13 Phil Taylor beat Phil Bolton to keep Northumberland 's hopes alive but Caldy 's Ray Hughes and Jan Higginbotham of Bramhall both won and Jamie Curtis of Didsbury got a half to clinch it for Cheshire .
14 Conservationists and locals fear for the future of the island and a trust has been set up to raise money to buy it for the nation .
15 If you remember your , from , from your history at school the , the , the first world war the Americans in the historic role of arriving at wars rather late erm came in to the first world war to win it for us erm and after it President Wilson who used to be professor of politics at Princeton , just put that in , er President Wilson created , essentially cos we were all bankrupt at the time as usual er the Americans the only ones who had any money left at the end of the wars , erm President Wilson helped to create the League of Nations , the forerunner of the United Nations but the U S senate refused to ratify the agreement .
16 Now I think this came around , about , because you get the , the people , the women who want to wear fashionable clothes , it 's getting broader and broader and we 're sort of expanding downwards as it were , so you get women who have enough money to buy the material , to buy patterns , who have the skill to make dresses , but have n't the money to actually get a dressmaker to do it for them .
17 ‘ Then you had no right to speak for me , ’ Merrill whispered in hushed irritation , ‘ no right to take it for granted that — ’
18 If you are scoring the tests yourself , rather than getting the computer to do it for you , then always do so at the same time of day — otherwise there would be variability due to time-of-day effects upon your scoring ability .
19 He asked permission to leave it for her the following day .
20 Could he expect Nebamun to do it for him ?
21 what you have to do is you have to get your sister to do it for you .
22 In fact , a musical dedicated to Elvis is on tour , giving two fans the chance to see it for the FORTIETH time .
23 He sent a copy to Hall , with a request to sell it for sixpence at the exhibition .
24 Remove the breasts and thighs from the turkey carcase — or ask your butcher to do it for you .
25 However , out of the blue came the offer of a friend to do it for me , and naturally I accepted gratefully .
26 If in doubt ask the person to clarify it for you .
27 Some adolescents seemed concerned about a lack of knowledge or deficiency in Creole on their own part : For my English oral , last year , I had to read a Patois poem , so I aksed my mum to read it for me , and that 's how I got to , you know , sort of pick it up just for that poem … kept letting her read it over and over again till I get the sound .
28 She rubbed at herself inneffectually and he had an impulse to do it for her ; if Oliver had been with them , he would have dried them both , enjoying the feel of their lively , vigorous little bodies , but on her own , without Oliver , she seemed too grown-up , not a child any more .
29 A silver cup , purchased by subscription the following year , was to be competed for annually , the winning captain to hold it for a year .
30 In the forty third minute , Foyle volleyed wide from fifteen yards when really he should have been on target after receiving from Magilton , and as referee Taylor was looking at his whistle to blow it for half time , United skipper , Steve Foster drove forward from the edge of the penalty area , shrugged off a couple of challenges , hit a good low shot , seemingly under the body of Gosney , but Gosney 's body just halted the flow of the ball .
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