Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 And if somehow or other the , the , the whole of that er , erm , number nine , including the can be deferred , and I believe it should be , then that is what I would wish to happen , I would wish Mr to continue to have the freedom to see what the options are for this county council .
2 But at least give that person whose turn er , on the Management Committee for representing er , another committee , give him the opportunity to s either speak on it , or to say whether or not he wishes to carry on and of course to see what the vote people would take , and to put himself forward even so , which unfortunately , I was n't er , able to do so .
3 Now let us take a look to see what the future might hold .
4 If your psychoanalysis is reports , and not just the actions , of it can be a , used as arguments to er , allow this story to emphasise what the human ages evolved at specific suicide of men , erm , goes on to show examples of his erm , he actually claimed to have used this as a sort of process of identification of even fantasizing , in order to try and er demonstrate how er , I think it was Hadrian 's Wall was built , try to identify with engineers and architects who built Hadrian 's Wall , in order to try and work out what the actual function of the wall was .
5 His comments were useful because they provide us all with the opportunity to see what the Opposition have in mind and the approach that they will take in the run-up to the next election and if they were ever to be elected to government .
6 Did you ever have an opportunity to see what the tramps actually carried with them ?
7 He said : ‘ One has to keep it under review to see what the need might be . ’
8 And it had come down to the Valve to see what the Famlio ship was doing there .
9 Finally we asked very loudly if the store was going broke and somebody within earshot scooted out of a doorway to see what the ruckus was about .
10 It is an attempt to meet what the Secretary of State for Wales described as the widow factor .
11 Every attempt to establish what the referent of a sign is forces us to define the referent in terms of an abstract entity which moreover is only a cultural convention .
12 Stress has been mentioned several times already in this course without any attempt to define what the word means .
13 Mr Browning said : ‘ I shall now look for a lawyer to explore what the Ariadne Galleries are prepared to offer me . ’
14 By 1920 , there could be a pause for breath , an attempt to remember what the meaning of the revolution was supposed to be .
15 ‘ While I respectfully agree that recommendations of a committee may not help much when there is a possibility that Parliament may have decided to do something different , where there is no such possibility , as where the draft Bill has been enacted without alteration , in my opinion it can safely be assumed that it was Parliament 's intention to do what the committee recommended and to achieve the object the committee had in mind .
16 The naming is crucial , for not only does this make it possible to contrast one kind of relationship with another , it also allows the group as a collectivity to determine what the " proper " behavioural concomitants of the relationship should be .
17 A large number of studies have been conducted with particular reference to eyewitness testimony in an attempt to decide what the effects of high levels of arousal at the time of a crime are likely to be on the testimony of a victim or witness .
18 Whether working in small or large groups , encourage the chldren to think what the space they are working in represents .
19 They share one feature in common , namely an attempt to quantify what the condition of , say , the balance of trade would have been had the country in question not participated in the CU .
20 Bruno de Bayser attracted a lot of attention , albeit no buyer , for a magnificent FFr 1.2 million ( £123,700 ; $215,250 ) red chalk drawing of a young woman by Fragonard a deliberately eye catching piece to show what the gallery is capable of but did sell ten works including three female portraits by Dunker , Jeaurat and Quesnel for under FFr 100,000 ( £10,300 ; $18,000 ) .
21 A judge should be obliged when passing sentence to state what the sentence would have been but for the plea of guilty .
22 Leon did n't have time over the next hour to wonder what the energetic , highly competent and reliable Wellington had been doing to make him sweat .
23 always look beyond the needs of the individual child to see what the implications may be for the learning needs of other children in the class ;
24 We need an assessment of the colliery 's business plan to see what the options are to secure the pit , the jobs and investments of the miners there . ’
25 His employers , confident of his loyalty , tell him that he should always go to lunch to see what the rivals are offering .
26 She pushed it off , rose and went to look out of the window to see what the weather was like .
27 Before you can answer an exam question , you must first " decode " the question to find what the examiners are " driving at " .
28 The Arizona legislature has just opened a special session to hear what the racetrack owners want .
29 Readiness refers to an individual 's attitude towards the change , and capability refers to an individual 's capacity to do whatever the change requires of him or her .
30 It is a matter of regret , indeed something of a disgrace , that the spending plans have been announced today in the House when there is still no Scottish Select Committee to scrutinise what the Scottish Office is doing .
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