Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 And skin to skin we cling once more Then you shower love away ,
2 I mean I , I was quite fascinated having lunch one day with a journ a Melbourne journalist erm and this was about six months after Murdoch had taken over the Melbourne Sun all this and we were chatting away and I actually threw in the stuff which were saying about how papers are there to make profits these days so that 's what drives them and that journalists journalists on newspapers such as Murdoch 's papers , write what they 're supposed to write and she and I got quite out of with one another and and the bottom liner was that she , she absolutely totally and utterly denied what we were saying and I said to her okay if you were given a story to write you know and it was opposite to how you would view it , what would you do and she said oh well I , I would have to write it and the issue with the Murdoch papers and it 's quite interesting because I mean I 'm sure you can with other newspapers but I , I 've just got a bit more is that Murdoch never ever writes a minute or a memo to his editor or staff saying this is what the line is ever .
3 Taunton Cider 's satisfaction with the resulting brand awareness was reflected in its recent decision to increase it spend by 50 per cent ( MW April 10 ) .
4 side to go you know to go to sleep at night ,
5 As we approach the end of the diet and exercise programme , it is important to decide at this stage how you intend to proceed afterwards.If you have a significant amount of weight to lose you have the choice of continuing on the diet menus as included in the daily plans or you can follow the diet contained in my Complete Hip and Thigh Diet .
6 He climbed out of the car to help her lift the load .
7 In Britain she 's eligible for legal aid to help her fight the case .
8 That we know because the room was cleaned at lunch-time and the cleaner actually switched on the light to help her see the condition of the table she was polishing . ’
9 She needed some leverage to help her attack the Op 's ve-hickle .
10 FUW leaders are now to lobby the UK Government and the EC in a bid to ensure they continue the level of current spending on the scheme .
11 There will be a rolling maintenance programme of the external walls and roof to ensure they continue to be wind and watertight .
12 You like mummy to hold it do n't you ?
13 And I 'd I do think it 's possible erm with help for people both sides have a partnership to change you know if we take an honest look at ourselves .
14 It wo n't do the public any harm to think we care about them , but I 'm not used to being watched . ’
15 It was such a pleasure to have you share in our National Conference at Dunblane at the weekend .
16 If there 's erm For instance I 've had a situation where on a medical practice booklet because we er hand back a hundred pound for every full page that we we gain in the medical practice booklet , er it 's an encouragement for if we 're just a quarter of a half page short , er for the practice to say you know we 'll get for another hundred quid we 'd all we need to do is make a couple of phone calls and threaten erm one or two of our patients .
17 In the end she sent him a telegram to explain you know that she was pregnant with a another man .
18 Even finding food was difficult , as Filon , the Empress 's secretary , discovered when he went to find some soup for her in an attempt to make her eat after nearly 36 hours with virtually nothing :
19 Oh yes if I 've got a skill to impart I do n't mind helping people .
20 For all that England are the only European nation not to concede a goal in the qualifying tournament , it is no exaggeration to suggest they have never been so ill-equipped for the persistent rigours of a World Cup .
21 A Salvation Army officer friend had arranged for Ann to spend a few days away from home to help her resolve her feelings about the crisis before starting to tackle the difficulties in her marriage .
22 She is now seeking a sponsor to help her reach her dream of a place in the 1996 Olympics .
23 CompuAdd technology combines with our direct-sales philosophy to give you access to tomorrow 's generation of personal computing — at prices that are simply remarkable .
24 ‘ When you have a child to consider you do n't go rushing into the first relationship that comes along .
25 This is achieved by the use of specially-formulated tape and by technical upgrading of the machines themselves — so both the tapes and the equipment to run them cost more .
26 Bored female requires scintillating correspondence to warm her winter nights-Most musical tastes catered for , but no Goths or Smiths fans please .
27 ’ It would n't be an overstatement to say we 've carried near on a hundred tons of material of one sort or another up this driveway to our house , whereas it could have been done in a couple of days with permission to drive up . ’
28 There was a harshness on his face as he moved towards her , a determination to make her tell him the answers he sought , and she looked away .
29 And as , as we said before , erm , many of the , erm people who lived in the poorer parts of erm the country , whether in urban or rural En erm England did n't really know about basic nutrition and and health I mean you just ate what was available but you did n't know why and so the government started this campaign to introduce you know knowledge about diet and how important it was .
30 Everything he had done that had seemed at all kind had been part of a plan to make her face her past for his mother 's sake .
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