Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Although the recession may have hit other parts of the United Kingdom more severely , the search for a job in Northern Ireland today can still be a soul-destroying task , with vacancies often attracting hundreds of applications .
2 In addition , the current recession may have diverted the union response towards a defensive approach , while undermining the ability of unions to gain substantial increases in their involvement in decision making over new technology areas which managers may defend as their own prerogative .
3 More evidence that the recession may have bottomed out came with news of the first rise in manufacturing output in 26 months .
4 ‘ The recession may have made a difference in the sense that people are being more realistic about what they can afford , ’ said the magazine 's associate editor Fenella Willis .
5 Recession may have arrived late north of the border but economic slowdown and the election has pushed devolution or independence to the top of the business agenda and produced an anguished reaction .
6 This sympathy may have explained the level of applause she got at the end of her opening song , so that she came more confidently to centre for her second .
7 Lack of support during previous clinical experience may have sapped the confidence of the learner .
8 The broad philosophy underlying the system is not at fault , although the somewhat inevitable complexity may have led to a failure to grasp implications of changes in time to prevent the odder features of instability .
9 The evidence actually tends to be ambiguous ( West 1969 ; Jones 1979b ) as indications of timberwork at the lip of the pit may be connected with the superstructure and planking in the base may have fallen from the walls or roof lining .
10 Although this was rejected in the previous paper as putting an unacceptable limitation on taxpayers and their accountants , the responses suggest that the perceived balance of advantage may have shifted .
11 For Bill Leavis , 37 — whose home is being repossessed — the rise may have killed what hope he had .
12 Filling in the details on the marriage certificate may have proved a problem for Benjamin : his mother was now past hope in the workhouse , and his father had died when he himself was less than two years old .
13 A taxpayer may have emigrated to the Channel Islands .
14 After washing sufficient numbers may remain on the hands to cause harm and the skin may become recontaminated from taps , the towel dispenser and the exit door of the washroom .
15 This may become a blister and the skin may become torn .
16 The Listing will be prepared as specified , with any customised features the user may have selected via Option 4 Amend Configuration Setup which is described later in this manual .
17 The Listing will then be prepared as specified , with any customised features the user may have selected via Option 4 Amend Configuration Setup which is described later in this section .
18 When the user selects this option the Listing will be prepared as specified , with any customised features the user may have selected via Option 4 Amend Configuration Setup which is described later in this section .
19 Never the less such places , including remoter rural areas , continued to grow ; decentralization may have slowed but is not yet completely out of steam .
20 The easel may have fallen but the picture somehow still holds up — just .
21 Lying as it does near the putative centre of the town , the building may have had some public function .
22 The accused also might not be able to call witnesses who saw the damage-causing driver , because that driver may have terrified the witnesses to prevent them from giving evidence .
23 Some have intimated that these contacts , while not illegal , raise suspicions that the superfund 's huge cache for money may have turned into a political slush-fund , spread around to fertilise the candidates of loyal Republicans .
24 Money may have disappeared down a black hole ( the budget was $40m according to Hurd , though industry sources put it nearer $50m ) , but it has all been spent on spectacle , not marquee names : Ed Harris ( from Jacknife ) and Mary Elizabeth Mastroantonio star as an oil-rig foreman and the project engineer , both brought in to rescue a striken nuclear submarine .
25 It should be added that contestability may have changed over time , especially within individual currency sectors .
26 Derek 's girlfriend and Daniel 's mother Carmen Lodge said that her baby 's leg tag may have slipped off .
27 And whatever attractions Church and throne may have had for the peasantry , their hold on educated society was being slowly eroded .
28 The duchess may have discussed her plans to step into the political arena when she had dinner with her private secretary Jane Ambler and two mystery male companions the previous evening .
29 Such domestic refuse may have been spread on the fields and the removal of floors by later agriculture may have robbed the archaeologist of vital information .
30 The thinking is that last year 's lobbying may have convinced those who matter in Whitehall and Westminister that the proposals go rather too far .
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