Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 It has also been held that where the right which the applicant seeks to protect by action in a court was created by the same statute as provided the ( alternative ) remedy for its protection , the statutory remedy is the only one available .
2 Gohlke tells a more subtle story than made the early headlines .
3 Moreover , fifty-five of the 137 reports in the Leicester Mercury related to Leicester itself , which suggests that there was a good deal more trouble at local level than reached the national press or the FA .
4 Mrs. Mallett , the typist from the general office , had brought her knitting to work and fortified by an unshakeable alibi — she had sat between the postmistress and Mr. Mason from the general store at the village concert — and with something to occupy her hands , sat clicking away with understandable if irritating complacency until given the order of release .
5 If he translates word-for-word , he will achieve greater fidelity in one respect ( , for instance , evokes the same picture as put the cat among the pigeons ) , but to the detriment of fidelity in another respect ( is a live metaphor , while is not ) ; if , however , he puts a greater value on the latter type of fidelity , then he must sacrifice the former .
6 If then it would seem artificial to analyse and describe the whole process when asked the reason for my choice , is that not because I already have the vocabulary of pleasure to name it ?
7 If your debtor does not attend court as ordered the judge will repeat the order .
8 The lionesses were unperturbed on hearing resident males of the pride , but instantly responded with protective behaviour when played the roars of unfamiliar males .
9 Every member felt ill with shock when told the news .
10 Although improved feeding increases body size , and they fatten well on grass if given the opportunity ( growing faster than the Galloway ) , they seem to achieve better beef quality and milk yields on fairly frugal regimes .
11 The Government as assessed the combined spending needs of the Cherwell District Council and the parishes in it 's area at £91.49 per personal charge payer .
12 So even a lethal cobra prefers to bluff an attacker if given the opportunity .
13 I 'll never forget how th'near slaughtered that feller — or the five golden guineas th'won for me off that dozy dago as set the Creole on thee .
14 These objects were often used to exemplify the competing images of the Romantic and nobel primitive and the cannibalistic barbarian as suited the arguments or interests of the time .
15 ‘ It says 'ere , ’ said Albert , ‘ that that fellow as robbed the bank yesterday got away with twenty thousand . ’
16 as a follow up to the statement that was made on the evening , on the Sunday evening when you gave your explanation when made the point about the visit for a weekend away , or a day away , and to involve the parishioners .
17 K. Peacock , of Belgrave Terrace , Hurworth Place , Darlington , remembers the whole class stood for a few minutes ' silence when told the news at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School .
18 I felt , however , that there was more to this seduction than met the eye , since genuine invention informs drawing after drawing .
19 The answers provided by the ECJ will influence the degree of tolerance extended to women who may not always wish to or may not be able to control their fertility and yet are capable of combining paid work and motherhood if given the chance
20 The one who ploughed the straightest furrow as declared the winner .
21 But two decades of tinkering with the federal constitution have not so much created regional self-government as extended the practice of divide-and-rule perfected by the British colonists before independence .
22 In any case as aforesaid the provisions of this Article shall take effect .
23 In any case as aforesaid the provisions of this Article shall take effect .
24 Lots of popular fish , such as danios , are hardly ever stationary , putting on a good lively display if given the room to feel at home .
25 As for Philips , Foxe records that like Judas ‘ He not long time after enjoyed the price of innocent blood , but was consumed at last by lice . ’
26 It 's the same chap as put the racking in the room .
27 His famous call , reprinted in 1954 , summoned us all to a new technology of instruction in much the same millenarial language as typified the audio-visual movement : " There is a simple job to be done .
28 The court continued by making some observations , undoubtedly obiter , about the powers of the Serious Fraud Office as regarded the person under investigation himself .
29 Would they make these distinctions in their own speech when given the opportunity to do so ?
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