Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] be what " in BNC.

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1 Another problem facing farmers in the future will be what to do with the stubble left in their fields after harvesting .
2 One issue will be what interest is to be payable on the retention monies .
3 And their appearance must be what was considered beautiful .
4 The reader 's question of a book or an article should be what function the writing is able or unable to perform ?
5 A woman seeks the truth of her ancestry , and discovers truth can be what you want it to be ; in a hospital a neglected old man weaves fables in a lost language ; fantasy becomes reality when a young boy 's sense of wonder is awakened by the first man in space ; a man 's obsession with ‘ the dogs ’ has grim but farcical consequences ; a couple 's holiday in France is disturbed by the ghosts of war ; a chance encounter brings an unexpected delight to a birdwatcher .
6 Here the signs indicate that the cycle track ends and that cars are forbidden from entering , while the surface alterations and provision of bike parking would be what one would expect from a well-planned shopping centre .
7 The social side of bridge may be what attracts to the game but here he can neither talk to nor see He bids with specially marked chips and passes his cards through a slot at the bottom of the screen .
8 It is obvious that a suitable norm of comparison should be what Enkvist calls " a contextually related norm " There would be little point in comparing Jane Austen 's style with that of contemporary legal writs or twentieth-century parliamentary reports .
9 The velocity would be what ?
10 Jaromil has discovered that writing can be what reading has familiarly been for the ordinary person : an escape , a shelter , a door to the alternative self .
11 The obvious difficulty would be what to do about imports .
12 Illness may be what motivates or causes this behaviour .
13 ‘ I suppose the British equivalent would be what we call the Stockbroker Belt , ’ she mused , ‘ although some of those have fared pretty badly recently .
14 One of the great unanswerable questions of modern fashion must be what Coco Chanel would make of Karl Lagerfeld 's efforts in her name .
15 At first , the expansion would be what is called inflationary : that is , the universe would double in size every tiny fraction of a second , just as prices double every year in certain countries .
16 The benefits of an intuitive , multi-media , multi-tasking operating system will be what tips the scales — not whether the applications themselves are prettier or faster .
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