Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] take [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the stressed housewife may take rights 3 and 7 and decide that : ‘ I have the right to suggest to my elderly mother-in-law that she enquire about the possibility of a home-help , as the demands she is making on me are wearing me out ’ .
2 Formal or informal bargaining may take place across the boundaries of the corporation between unions and political authorities — ministries , governments and local or regional authorities .
3 A distinction is made between sales negotiations , where a certain amount of bargaining may take place , and pure selling , where the salesman is given no freedom to bargain .
4 In return , I hope very much that you keep on telling us what you think about the alumni services we provide , telling us what 's going on in your professional world and how you think the University ought to take account of it .
5 The semantic constraint may take precedence over acoustic information .
6 As well as their own skilled observations , your doctor and midwife may take advantage of medical technology to help them see how your pregnancy is going .
7 If he grants a sublease for a term longer than the term of his own lease , the grant may take effect as an assignment of that lease ( contrast Milmo v Carreras [ 1946 ] KB 306 and Skelton ( William ) & Son v Harrison & Pinder Ltd [ 1975 ] QB 361 ) .
8 Ritualization may take place in order to make a signal more , or less , honest according to the type of signal .
9 It further notes that the curriculum should take account of ‘ the ethnic diversity of the school population and society at large ’ , and draws attention to the principle that as wide a range of children as possible should have access to the whole curriculum .
10 The examination of a school 's curriculum should take account of what children do and also of what they learn from what they do .
11 The change must take effect by March 1996 .
12 The West should take time off from being Gorbacharmed to think about recent events in Russia 's outer empire and the awkward question they raise : how to undo Europe 's post-1945 division without undoing its post-1945 stability .
13 The question of the relation between Christianity and other world faiths has taken on a new urgency in a time where , for instance , an Indian Christian must take stock of his position vis-à-vis his Hindu fellow-countrymen , or a British or American Christian finds himself living alongside adherents of other religions in his own homeland .
14 ( 7 ) On remitting a case to a licensing board under subsection ( 6 ) above , the sheriff may : ( a ) specify a date by which the rehearing by the board must take place ; modify any procedural steps which otherwise would be required in relation to the matter by or under any enactment ; and any decision of a licensing board on any such case shall be valid as if reached at a quarterly meeting as mentioned in section 4(1) ( a ) of this Act .
15 Any future progress must take place after the end of the normal day 's business , if nobody objects .
16 Yet change is possible where there is willingness that progress should take place .
17 4.25 Regular internal review of residents ' progress should take place when an escalation of aggression occurs or at any time an officer in charge considers appropriate .
18 For this reason , most international contracts contain a clause establishing the country in which any legal action under the contract must take place ( a jurisdiction clause ) , and/or a clause establishing that disputes will be referred to arbitration .
19 The ‘ Great Debate ’ about education had been underway for some time and though it was clear that the curriculum was in need of change , it was less clear how much change should take place at Hinde House , bearing in mind the need for teachers to have ownership of curriculum delivery if higher standards and a wide range of learning experiences were to permeate the whole curriculum rather than making a series of peripheral and ephemeral alterations to an already redundant approach .
20 The economic and constitutional rights of the republics , at the same time , should be increased and defined more precisely ; but any changes of this kind must take account of the fact that each of the republics was itself a multinational state in which the interests of all national groups must be properly respected .
21 Item 3 of Schedule 3 to the TMA 1970 specifies that an appeal against any part of a Schedule E assessment should take place in the Commissioner 's division relating to the place of employment .
22 After teaching a unit an assessment should take place .
23 It is most important that teacher assessment should take account of the way pupils tackle writing tasks — that is , it should be sensitive to the writing process as well as to the finished product .
24 Some time in the first six months of next year , an election must take place .
25 They were also all concerned about traffic congestion in the town and said the Cross Town Route should take traffic out of the town centre and not generate more .
26 The arguments centred on scheduling , with Serbia and Montenegro insisting that referendums should take place in each republic at the same time and with the same questions , Croatia announcing that it had already scheduled its referendum for May 19 , Macedonia asking for a postponement of the deadline to mid-June , and Bosnia-Hercegovina suggesting that the referendum should take place in two stages .
27 Full employment was a desirable goal , but if the price of full employment was State restriction on the freedom of businessmen to order their own affairs , then that freedom must take priority even if mass unemployment was the result .
28 The following are by way of being examples and are not intended to be definitive : ( i ) where the relationship between the debtor and the proposed surety is one in which the real possibility of the exercise of undue influence in any of its well recognised forms or of misrepresentation is present to the knowledge of the creditor , the creditor must take notice of the position and act reasonably in the circumstances : see per Dillon L.J .
29 Consumption monitoring should take place after a settling-in period has elapsed to take account of staff learning curves and untypical use during product familiarisation .
30 Further afield , we need to recognize that some disasters ( most obviously Chernobyl ) will have implications for more than one country so that environmental monitoring should take place with some kind of international co-ordination .
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