Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 One of Leonard 's few memories of his father ( in addition to his monocle , his spats and his hair smelling of Vitalis ) is that of his reading , both privately and aloud , to him and his sister — precious moments that fired the young boy 's imagination and set him , although no one realised it at the time , in the direction of his life 's work .
2 Not surprisingly , the noise bellowing around Ibrox when the teams took to the pitch was an octave or two higher than normal .
3 Bonsall was an important centre of framework knitting in Derbyshire , and one of the early workshops , where knitters worked in primitive factories instead of in their own homes , can still be seen .
4 Motorists in West Malling near Maidstone , Kent , are enjoying a week free of parking tickets .
5 On Wednesday , the Duke of Kent will open a major new research and development centre at West Malling in Kent , which will host research into biotherapeutics , diagnostics and fine chemicals .
6 IF THE TRAUMA and problems involving the Great Warbirds Air Display ( GWAD ) from its established site at West Malling in Kent to Wroughton in Wiltshire were not enough , Elly Sallingboe , her airshow team and all the pilots involved in the show had to contend with low cloud , torrential rain and wind that gusted up to 65 knots on the first day of the show .
7 Although she has again failed to earn her professional ticket , and with it the right to compete against the men , but she has defeated Mike Hallett in an exhibition match this year and has gained ample experience competing in Barry Hearn 's Matchroom League .
8 The introduction of value for money auditing in Canada was accompanied by a number of other institutional innovations , all of which were designed to increase the accountability of public sector organizations .
9 Despite conflicting statements from Tehran and press conjecture centring on Libya , it was never clear who was responsible for laying them .
10 Domenico Valentino , Florence 's relevant Soprintendente for such matters says , ‘ If we go on like this , we 'll end up with a huge mass of literature relating to Boboli , but lose the gardens themselves ’ .
11 The trace on the left hand page shows the disturbances caused to the earth 's magnetic field by a solar storm occurring between June 12 and 14 , 1991 .
12 However , it may interest the hon. Gentleman to know that , as part of the patients charter initiative , we will take steps to consider accident and emergency and casualty cover to improve standards of provision applying to Tayside and to all other health boards .
13 . Ripon Ramblers ' Association 10 miles of ridge walking on Cracoe Moor , meet in car park behind Morrison 's store , Ripon , 9.30am .
14 Shakespeare Fever continues to grip the entire region , with King Lear at the Unity ; Measure For Measure opening at Chester Gateway this Friday ; Twelfth Night at the Playhouse from November 17 , and a presentation of the Sonnets at the Unity on November 17 and 18 .
15 The stolen snapshots of Wyatt and the married Duchess holidaying in France and Morocco fuelled the flames .
16 Will the right hon. Gentleman reconsider the generosity he bestowed on the former Leader of the House , the right hon. Member for Shropshire , North ( Mr. Biffen ) , who moved the guillotine motion on the original poll tax measure applying to Scotland ?
17 A military transport aircraft , with 12 crew and 120 soldiers on board returning to Bandung after a parade , caught fire and crashed minutes after take-off in a Jakarta suburb , killing all those on board and a guard at a government training centre .
18 member of the US Congress whom Martin Chuzzlewit meets on board the steamboat returning from Eden , a chauvinistic windbag celebrated for a speech called ‘ the Pogram Defiance ’ which , Martin is informed by another passenger , ‘ defied the world in general to com-pete with our country upon any hook ; and develop 'd our internal resources for making war upon the universal airth ’ .
19 In the capital , the certificate relating to Macdonald was received by John Dalrymple , Master of Stair , who had been appointed Secretary for Scotland by King William .
20 At a separate trial ending on March 1 in Osh city three men were sentenced to prison terms of between 11 and 14 years for their involvement in the intercommunal violence .
21 Sponsored singing : sponsored hymn singing at St David 's church , Tudhoe raised a total of £702 for church repairs .
22 He grew up in a Free Church home in Huddersfield with grace before meals and friends in for hymn singing on Sunday evenings after the service in the Baptist church ; he was a Fabian of long standing ; a cofounder of War on Want ; and his wife was a daughter of a Congregational minister .
23 Supernatant ELISA for B1.8scFv-MoMLV env fusion protein binding to NIP.BSA .
24 Coalition consisting of Rassemblement pour la République ( RPR , Clovis Logologofolau l. , and the Union Populaire ( UPL , Falakiko Gata l …
25 UK start-up , Pinpoint Systems Ltd based in Cheltenham , Gloucester , has introduced a language independent CASE tool for software analysis and programme filtering under C , C++ and Cobol environments .
26 My sister Ellen , sir , who has had charge of my first-born this three long years , her husband William died of blood poisoning in September and she is now alone and I have written even before I heard of the plan to go to Rome to beg her to come out here to me with Oreste and if she does , as I think she will , having no other family or ties , then she might look after my house and other child for the winter and we would all profit without further trouble . ’
27 ‘ Though it would be a fine sight to see a dray-horse careering round Tattenham Corner in the Derby ! ’
28 After all , he did have a pond consisting of Charlie 's last Chinese meal steaming in his crotch .
29 The US gear filtering into Britain has been joined by Australian , European and Japanese workwear , of which the most notable brands have come from Australia via a group of Notting Hill-based boys calling themselves PIL .
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