Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Tables 4.8 and 4.9 further divide the IT subjects and conversation modes , and show the initial destinations of students according to the type of course pursued as well as subject area .
2 Look at the way Waldegrave 's initiative for openness collapsed as soon as people saw it was going to land them in it , ’ said Jim .
3 One of the features by which positivism was characterised earlier was its inclusion of the idea of ‘ pathology ’ : not only was crime seen as obviously wrong , but there was also something wrong with the people who did it — for example , in their biology or personality .
4 Another phenomenon which took many of the gentry by surprise and swept some of them along with it , albeit protesting , was an outbreak of Puritan fanaticism in eastern Sussex in 1642 ; it encouraged paradoxically a tendency to religious broadness of mind seen as quite distinct from the narrow views of Archbishop Laud .
5 Five 200 µl aliquots representing 2.56×10 6 lymphocytes were each placed in Krebs-Henseleit with a colonoscopic biopsy specimen taken from the same patient and metabolism measured as below for mucosal biopsy specimens .
6 House and car provided as well as salary , expenses and appropriate pension arrangements .
7 To some around the Winter Gardens , it was all an unwanted distraction from the ‘ real business ’ of rallying the party to deal with a wayward economy and an Opposition united as never before .
8 I did lose weight but found that the weight returned as soon as I returned to my normal diet .
9 The national priorities are predominantly concerned with the development of areas of the curriculum seen as economically useful and neither the humanities nor the arts are included in this category .
10 Is the envisaged change in the curriculum seen as educationally valuable , and are the assessments effective in producing the change ?
11 Do you want your hair done as well ?
12 Responses have been received from all over the country , and in geographical terms , can regarded as broadly representative .
13 Patients within each treatment arm who were considered malnourished at randomisation responded as well as nourished patients .
14 Matter of fact , I 'm thinking of having a telephone installed as well .
15 Third , the personnel function within many companies was becoming more complex , with recruiting seen as increasingly time-consuming .
16 The engine operated until about 1848 but proved to be too heavy for the line and was never entirely successful .
17 Locals claim the plan is not in keeping with representations the museum made when initially seeking community approval .
18 For women aged 55 — 59 the percentage classified as economically active increased from 28 per cent in 1951 to 52 per cent in 1981 .
19 And glory in the 1,000 Guineas may well be a lot more than just a warming winter thought because Dead Certain beat as competitive a field as there has been for a juvenile filly 's race for many years .
20 It does this by having the men who encouraged the rape prosecuted as well as the attackers , but more than this by drawing connections .
21 On the morning after the prince 's departure , carrying out a plan known as yet to only six persons , the queen-dowager bade farewell to the damsel everyone assumed to be the lady Anne .
22 Tweed 's mood changed as soon as they reached Brussels , reserving the suite at the Hilton , hiring the car .
23 However , this sensation evaporated as soon as I looked out of the window , when I realized how imprisoned I was by my ignorance , which Aisha seized upon , exploiting the fact that I did n't know how to flush the toilet , work the shower , turn on the oven or boil the electric kettle to make tea , and that I could n't understand what her older child or her next-door neighbour said .
24 The group classified as inadequately described has an exceptionally good record , but the unoccupied group has by far the worst mortality record of any social group .
25 The ground , previously in roots , is ploughed as early as possible in February or March and the cereal crop sown as soon as a reasonable tilth is obtained .
26 ( b ) those accepting shareholders who accept the share offer and agree to transfer their shares in the target to the offeror will receive the right to an allotment of shares in the offeror credited as fully paid .
27 John Smith was now committed to clobbering the poor by reversing their tax cut as soon as Labour got in .
28 Slowly the great room emptied until only the six T'ang and the two young boys remained .
29 If your new code begins with a K , you will have more tax deducted than previously from your salary each period , but you should not normaly have an extra demand for tax after the end of the year .
30 The solution is cooled , the temperature recorded every half minute and the new freezing point determined as before .
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