Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] they [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 When Jonathan Malcolm and his girlfriend met they could have little idea of the trouble which lay in store .
2 A statement from the club confirmed they would be staying in Edinburgh .
3 In fact , our research showed they would be quite surprising to customers and non-customers alike .
4 Maybe somebody in the pentagon figured they could find out how ill he was just by listening to it .
5 Council spokesman Doug Allan said labels on any household chemical warned they must not be used in association with other products .
6 Today , the department said they could n't answer that until they review the case .
7 One-third of five- and six-year-olds in one study said they would prefer to be without their sibling altogether — hardly a vote of confidence in sibship .
8 A potentially crippling problem arose last week when hundreds of policemen from the 17,000-strong security force said they would not take part unless they were guaranteed proper living conditions and pay rises .
9 Other research suggested they might become concentrated , churned around in the waves and eventually deposited back along the beaches and banks of local estuaries .
10 Most of the eagles in the Cages have forgotten , for they can not bear to remember , and because of that even if the opportunity came they would not be able to return to their homesites .
11 The police claimed the records were n't relevant to the case , but the judge ruled they should be disclosed .
12 But her husband applied to the courts to have the children returned and in April this year a High Court judge ruled they should be sent back to him in South Dakota .
13 But the men stayed locked up for two hours until their boss agreed they would repair the faulty central heating immediately — on overtime .
14 The men who were acquitted , Danial Winter , who 's 19 , and Wisdom Smith , who 's also 19 , had nothing to say after the judge directed they should be found not guilty .
15 Management claimed they could , but the women consistently produced less than the required targets .
16 While Tayside Region and Perth and Kinross District Council indicated they could afford only part of the survey , estimated at £80,000-£100,000 , the Scottish Office reply was unequivocal .
17 True , what he had felt for Kee was at the time a stronger passion , and so far as charm went they could n't be compared .
18 At first , Topaz thought they must have quarrelled but , as the stillness was never broken , she concluded it was yet another odd custom practised by the strange women who surrounded her .
19 Er , for example , er whilst people w were getting what er the unemployment act said they should have , er this pressure was er I 'm quite sure , able to get some additional er benefits even if it was er only in kind , er from the from the local authorities .
20 Two years ago they were banned from playing at the city 's leisure centre because the council said they would ’ offend the morals ’ of local women .
21 A High Court judge said they would earn nothing from the book , if convicted .
22 Members of the medical faculty said they would fax press reports of the Peking democracy movement to as many recipients as they could find in China , to overcome censorship .
23 He was not able to deduce what these purposes might be , but the persistence of a third sector suggested they must exist .
24 Clara could not count the times she had heard her mother declare that when she died she would be dead , and she would n't care what happened to her body , and for all site cared they could put her out for the dustman to collect sentiments which from the first had filled Clara with a vague alarm and horror , for they were clearly reasonable enough in their own way .
25 But as a dutiful wife , she managed to put a good face on it , particularly after her husband promised they would return again in the spring .
26 For some time afterwards whenever a crisis occurred they would ask each other , ‘ What would Père Obein say ? ’
27 ‘ People can dip in and out , looking at objects which represent the best that artists of a certain period believed they could do woven in with some everyday things .
28 Though inspectors have no enforcement powers , Wing believed they should be free to point out difficult areas of practice .
29 April and Pet declared they 'd have a cup .
30 Clough 's team decided they 'd rather die than swallow such medicine .
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