Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ’ The meagre , gallant Don Quixote beard quivered and jutted as though every individual hair had suddenly stiffened to the clenched tension of Paviour 's jaw .
2 He heard vespers sung in the deep dusk from his father 's church , and his heart stilled and quietened in him with wonder , as though at last he felt himself to be drawing near to the heart of a mystery .
3 The whole thing had the odd appearance of a brick-built Mississippi steamboat beached and panting to get back to the lake .
4 Daffodils and primrose fluttered and blushed from warm corners .
5 But under pressure from the local MP for Falmouth , the Ministry of Defence relented and lifted the prohibition order .
6 Not far away I caught , from the corner of my eye , the flickering movement as a ringed plover scudded and ran among the sea-pinks .
7 Sir Mark on his black warhorse , his dark red hair oiled and combed ; before him went his squire carrying a banner with the Burghgesh arms , and marching behind were six archers with steel caps , quilted jerkins , long bows and quivers full of goose-quilled arrows .
8 It makes the British attitude to planemaking — make it commercial or defence oriented and make it pay PDQ — look plain shortsighted and stupid .
9 When his heart brimmed and overflowed , he told her he was in love with her .
10 Thunder crashed and boomed outside .
11 The captain of the submarine surfaced and took his craft alongside one of the schooners .
12 Tucking himself into a ball of boots and flak jacket , the Squat bounced and rolled half a dozen times .
13 On the brown surface a few globules of half-sour milk swam and coalesced .
14 All the spreading woodland hummed and buzzed and trembled , shimmeringly alive with the knowledge of itself , aware of the presence of a protective grace moving above , beyond and yet within itself .
15 Looks as if Lotus Development Corp is being shopped around as a merger partner : according to the Wall Street Journal , Borland International Inc 's Philippe Kahn discussed a possible merger with Lotus 's Jim Manzi last month , although the talks were inconclusive , and elsewhere Manzi was seen to have been in deep discussions over dinner with Sun Microsystems Inc 's Scott McNealy ; Lotus of course tried and failed to merge with Novell Inc .
16 Tiny pieces of skin shrivelled and cooked on the red-hot ring and wisps of smoke rose into the air .
17 And now they were climbing again as the building grumbled and shook .
18 And so , at length , how ever much the king and the archbishop grumbled and complained , what he ordered was implemented completely .
19 Pumping Spray for permed and curly hair refreshed and protects curls with hold
20 Still the thunder thundered and burned and shook them .
21 If an exposure does occur , a blood sample should be obtained from the individual from whom exposure occurred and tested for hepatitis B surface antigen ( HBsAg ) and HIV antibody .
22 One car skidded and crashed into a tree before the road was cleared .
23 The melody swooped and split into two , harmonizing with itself .
24 Not only were there more 40s. men and fewer at £1 or less , but in the borough itself the poorest class was much smaller than on the land , implying that the more skilled , more remunerative trades were carried out there , while poorly paid weavers and the like lived and worked in Speenhamland .
25 The friar watched with alarm the way the chain around the bear 's neck creaked and shook the iron clasp nailed to the wall .
26 The lych-gate creaked and left its prickly signature of rust upon the palm ( I 'll get it fixed , Ma 'm ! ) ; the bell rang not at all unless obliquely pressed by a nor'-nor'-westerly thumb .
27 ‘ Chinchero ? ’ a campesino asked and waved us on .
28 Past the gap , the wind failed and dropped to nothing , the dinghy lost way and drifted towards three lighters moored abreast .
29 His boat beached and tied up by other hands , probably the same ones which murdered him . ’
30 Labour tried and failed to make the election a referendum on these changes .
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