Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] be for " in BNC.

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1 1992/93 maintenance had been for file-servers , high-performance PCs , and critical laser printers only .
2 Although our prediction had been for around 100 validations , based on the transfer of old courses , we will actually be involved in closer to 320 validations .
3 It reminded me how quiet my rocky tooth had been for at least a week or two now …
4 The original intention had been for the Quins players , seven of whom were in England 's Grand Slam squad , to have Easter off .
5 The original intention had been for the expedition to sail on 10 February but the usual bad weather made this impossible and Ormonde became progressively more reluctant to leave , suspecting that all hope of surprise had now been lost .
6 For many lifetimes railway practice had been for locomotives and rolling stock to be downgraded or ‘ cascaded ’ from front line to secondary services .
7 The original proposal had been for PR in the cities but this was opposed by Unionists who were concerned to protect the efficacy of the business vote ; Central Office also opposed the alternative vote when it was put forward in the debates , and the majority of Unionist MPs and the National Union never backed either system .
8 In another study , this time of one village Ringmer in Sussex , which had doubled in size from around 2,000 inhabitants in 1961 to 4,000 in 1971 , Ambrose ( 1974 ) found that the main reason for migration to the village had been for a job , or to be within commuting range of a job , thus confirming that the main reason for migration , as already outlined earlier in this chapter , is economic , but also that the most dominant newcomers are Pahl 's ‘ spiralists ’ .
9 The plan had been for the Americans to discover an unknown for the lead female role but no-one had Miss Leigh 's screen magic .
10 The plan had been for his son ( Frederick William ) Robin ( born 1936 ) , who succeeded as third earl and was himself the author of an excellent life of William Wilberforce [ q.v. ] , to complete it .
11 The original plan had been for a rapid take-over of military and political control in Madrid , accompanied by risings in the other main cities and the convergence on the capital of detachments from the provinces to consolidate the coup and force the transfer of power .
12 The Court of Session heard that the original plan had been for the Deanses to use their 57 per cent shareholding to remove four directors — Wilson Young , James Johnston , Alastair McKenzie and Clive Scott .
13 There are general sort of comments that they do n't really know what the parish council does and they 're not very sure , erm , sort of it , it was mainly through the children 's card thing , perhaps a little bit of money that their child , you know did n't me meet any recognition but would n't it have been nice to know exactly what the picture had been for , and sort of the nitty- gritty does n't necessarily get filtered through .
14 However in a few incidents the initial charge had been for the full offence of rape … .
15 He stressed that his advice to go ahead with detailed planning for the £5 million junction had been for guidance only and that the full approval of the CIOR would still have to be sought before the junction was commissioned .
16 The arrangement Sting had signed with Virgin had been for a 50–50 split , rising to 60–40 in Sting 's favour after two years .
17 The lease negotiated was for twenty years at a rental of £20,000 subject to possible increases up to a maximum of £22,000 .
18 In Scotland the pattern followed was for Regional Councils and constituent Districts .
19 Whereas the original demand had been for actual ships , the Crown began in the 1590s to ask for money instead .
20 The remand had been for the purpose of the issue being tried by the justices on the Monday .
21 Where the reference was automatic ( £1,000 or less only being involved ) Ord 19 , r 6 provides that no solicitors ' charges or litigant in person costs may be awarded except the costs which were stated on the summons or which would have been stated on the summons if the claim had been for a liquidated sum , the costs of enforcing the award , and such further costs as the arbitrator may direct where there has been unreasonable conduct on the part of the opposite party in relation to the proceedings or the claim therein .
22 Important as the victory at Stirling Bridge had been for Scottish pride , there was , after a period of despondency and subjugation , to be an even more significant battlefield above the Bannock Burn two miles south of the town .
23 Such survivals in attitude and custom , however , can not obscure the fact that the fundamental direction of European society had been for decades moving increasingly into the hands of a bourgeoisie whose assumptions were at bottom not those of aristocratic society , even if it aped aristocratic style .
24 The call had been for Hank , and had been from one of his classmates , who said that he just wanted to inquire how Hank was .
25 His first feelings of love had been for that gloriously liberated and beautiful tomboy .
26 Schimberni 's 10-year investment plan for the FS had also been received unfavourably by the Transport Minister Carlo Bernini , whose preference had been for a programme with greater emphasis on capital projects .
27 All her brave effort had been for nothing .
28 These ranged from switching to Highers in non-science subjects when the original intention had been SCE/GCE science to a degree in building and surveying when the original application had been for a place on an access course in science and technology .
29 Hitherto the provision had been for the Speaker to become interim president , with the obligation to organize elections within a period of 45-60 days .
30 That first contract had been for America , and then came Russia , France , Italy , Germany , South America , the list is endless .
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