Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 In the three popular dailies , the Sun , the Star and the Daily Mirror , there is considerable coverage and , on average , there is approaching one rape court case reported each week in these newspapers .
32 Ms Short said the women 's vote could help Labour to win the next general election provided more women could be persuaded that Labour was sensitive to women 's demands .
33 He added that , ‘ Widespread electoral support bore little resemblance to restricted party membership , however , and disappointments were common .
34 Reflection and experience changed that opinion .
35 When Mum used that tone , there was no arguing .
36 All that happened is that the electric field drew some charges to the surface of the dielectric which caused then some additional charges to appear on the surface of the conductor .
37 In Vietnam the loss of a small intelligence network to the Japanese had made it essential for operational purposes that it should be replaced and it is at this point that Ho Chi Minh and the American OSS found each other .
38 As early as 14 September 1939 , Jonas Barrington in the Daily Express described this voice that called from Germany , though in the first instance it probably belonged to Norman Baillie-Stewart : ‘ He speaks English of the haw-haw , dammit-get-out-of-my-way-variety , and his strong suit is gentlemanly indignation . ’
39 In 1914 George Saintsbury in his contribution to the Cambridge History of English Literature lamented that Leapor among others had sunken into ‘ absolute forgetfulness ’ .
40 Herzen 's suggestion that it continue in the West created more problems than it solved .
41 The little gold key unlocked this door easily , but of course Alice could not get through it — she was much too big .
42 This programme experienced several problems , resulting in dangerously high sodium ion concentrations in home-made solutions and low usage rates of the solution by those who had been taught about it .
43 They flung each other off and stared for an instant , each of them aware that he was known , each conscious that this recognition made many things plain .
44 As the national administration made more demands in the form of conscription and taxation , so the recommendation of a patron became more important .
45 In its prime the solid curtain-walled castle could not have been taken by storm up the sheer cliffs rising from the sea on three sides ; and a deep ditch hewn from the rock on the landward side made any surprise attack on the gatehouse or drum towers improbable .
46 The equation made all generation , sexual or otherwise , a form of budding .
47 Eight hundred million on the East Coast main line , four hundred million for rolling stock announced this week , four hundred million in new contracts , there 's a lot of money going in right now .
48 Both sides were now preparing for war , but Norfolk and Rent made another attempt at mediation in mid-December when they wrote to all the prelates asking them to attend an assembly in London to discuss the king 's failure to abide by his coronation oath and Magna Carta .
49 Dot hugged this doll whose face was still whole .
50 The Northern Echo revealed this week how Dr Paul Lawler , clinical director at South Tees Hospital , had submitted a report of the bed shortage to the Northern Regional Health Authority .
51 If the public acceptance of psychoanalysis meant anything for secondary selection it did mean that the scientificity of any description of the mind became more suspect — its subjectivity more evident .
52 Indeed , it was not until 1956 that a Brazilian made any impact when Nano da Silva Ramos finished 5th in his Gordini in the Monaco Grand Prix .
53 While the aide translated these remarks Joseph Sherman took the opportunity to glance around the room and noticed for the first time that groups of diminutive Annamese were standing quietly with their wives among the taller European men and women .
54 The President announced this action and explained its background to a startled nation over nationwide television on 22 October .
55 The use of the same stylised figure made this exhibition read as a story , the same figure entering into a different tale in each work .
56 That the Board of Review made this assumption appears also from the reference in their first determination to the profits accruing to the taxpayer from the fees derived from the sub-licencing being sourced in the countries to which the sub-licences related .
57 The horse made another noise , more a groan than a grunt this time , and , as his stride faltered , Kelly knew that she had made a serious mistake .
58 The move came four days after the Labour Department announced that unemployment had increased to 7.5 per cent , the highest total in nearly eight years .
59 THE recently expanded sales force met each other for the first time in September at their autumn sales meeting .
60 The industry met this threat in 1922 by appointing its own censor , Harding 's former Postmaster-General , Will Hays .
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