Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When Roy Mason arrived in 1976 to take up his duties as secretary of state for Northern Ireland , the present writer met him as part of a deputation from my political party .
2 Keller 's Zurich upbringing made him into a skiier and sculler , and he raced for the Grasshopper club .
3 A branch whipped him in the face .
4 My enthusiasm transmitted itself to Malc and he left at the end of visiting time a happier man .
5 His proud mum met him at Shannon Airport with the news that he has been called up by the Lions as a replacement for winger Ian Hunter .
6 Her insistence on setting up lone stations cut off from the central missionary settlement led her into conflict with the authorities , who often thwarted her persistent applications to go further ‘ up-country ’ .
7 A pickup truck passed us with three men in the back sheltering under a tarpaulin .
8 However , the prior hypothesis led us to the finding in the rural high oil worker category ( table II , both for all ages and the 0–4 age group .
9 There is little evidence that peasant faith declined , but the authority of village priests was progressively undermined : in terms of culture and way of life they differed too little from the ordinary villagers to inspire much respect , and the miserly provision made them by the State resulted in constant friction over money matters between priest and parishioner .
10 All I can remember is having a pickled onion and my sister stabbed it with a fork and the middle shot across the room .
11 YOU recently mentioned con tricks well , I was waiting at Lime Street Station for my mother when a well-dressed man with a briefcase asked me for £1 .
12 He more than filled the gap left by Alex ; his presence animated her with a mysterious excitement .
13 The 28-year-old cab driver attacked her in a clearing after she went to join Queen 's Club in west London , Mark Dennis , prosecuting , told the Old Bailey .
14 His talents , his wealth , and the changing times raised him to the court of assistants of the Levant Company from 1644 to 1648 , and in 1645 Parliament appointed him to the Goldsmiths ' Hall committee , through which Royalists redeemed their sequestrated estates by paying compositions .
15 A twenty-five-foot wave flung itself at the canoe from an unexpected angle and before the crew could turn to absorb the blow , the Hokule'a rose up the face of the wave at forty-five degrees , and was capsized as it flew off the peak .
16 The white-bearded campaigner prided himself on blunt , outspoken views .
17 I think Mum made it for me .
18 Debt and dear money got us into it and , until we break debt 's grip , we shall never get out of it .
19 She confessed that the bitter jibes and over-exposure led her to the precipice .
20 At noon , the exhausted Pack gathered together and Brown Owl led them to a shady area .
21 Bridhe and Seamus Ban consulted him about the amount of drink that would be needed , and were told to double it .
22 But the impact on the camp lacked nothing in effect on that account .
23 But ideologically , nationalisation became something of an irrelevance since both major political parties accepted that some form of state control and assistance was essential for coal , rail transport , electricity , gas , civil aviation , cable and wireless , and the Bank of England .
24 As they strolled deeper into the gardens she became aware that the Pantominteatret was by no means the only form of free entertainment , as their progress led them from one area of performance to another .
25 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
26 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
27 I believe that it was , or had some connection with , a species of agoraphobia , which in his case manifested itself as an acute fear of heights .
28 Her mum got her into hospital but Sharon discharged herself . ’
29 Mum got you into trouble all right with me , did n't she ?
30 Well my mum got it for
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