Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun prp] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Real Madrid never recovered from an own goal by Brazilian defender Rocha and crashed to a 2–0 UEFA Cup defeat against Torino at Turin .
2 Then I saw Rock Hudson and closed a deal .
3 He had earlier fought with the naval armoured car brigade which landed at Walfish ( now Walvis ) Bay in South-West Africa and helped Gen Botha to take the German colony .
4 Renberg and Hellberg ( 1982 ) , for example , analysed diatom assemblages in lake sediment cores in south-west Sweden and found that since deglaciation of the area about 12,500 years ago , the pH of the lakes had decreased from about 7 to about 6 due to natural long-term oligotrophication and acidification .
5 He then cited the passage from Story , Equity Jurisprudence and made the comment to which I have already referred .
6 It 's enough to make you drive all the way to south-west France and strew some beetroot on the lanes .
7 He was Professor of Architecture at University College London and had himself built only a handful of buildings .
8 Unable to hold his excitement , Clark telephoned Professor Frank Cox of King 's College London and told him of the results .
9 DAVID Pleat shrugged off Luton 's 2-1 defeat away to his old club Leicester and insisted : ‘ We are not going to change our style .
10 ( As explained in the last chapter , REM sleep may be scored as such when hardly any rapid eye movements are occurring , so long as the record of low voltage EEC and reduced EMG continues uninterruptedly . )
11 She had n't told him much except that she did not like her neighbour Fireman Mosse and blamed him for the death of his wife .
12 The sugar consumed in the island is now imported in bulk from mainland Portugal and bagged here .
13 play it right , went to the Rose and Crown after South Crostade and played darts
14 During the course of his visit Yeltsin made clear his desire to improve relations with South Korea and indicated that Russian forces in the Far East would be reduced sharply , and that military aid to North Korea would be suspended .
15 The American occupation misunderstood the nature of the unrest in south Korea and attributed it to the machinations of the communists .
16 This isolation was accentuated as , during the course of the year , the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with South Korea and showed every sign of wanting to increase economic co-operation with the capitalist South [ see p. 37714 ] .
17 During the 1770s and 1780s the Congregationalists built more chapels in south Yorkshire than did the Methodists , but significantly they erected no new buildings between 1836 and 1851 , whereas at that time the various forms of Methodism were building chapels enthusiastically .
18 During his rugby league career Melrose played for Parramatta , Manly-Warringah , Eastern Suburbs and South Sydney and reached NSW honours at a representative level .
19 This has a spigot bearing the same size as the Range Rover but made of steel and not phosphor bronze .
20 Nutty rode on hopefully , but when she got to the gate Mrs Smith was backing out in a large yellow Range Rover and glared at having to give way to a mere equestrian .
21 South Georgia and Heard Island , lying well south of the Antarctic Convergence , are both heavily glaciated .
22 Humpbacks , sperms and rorquals formed the basis of an extensive antarctic whaling industry , which began in 1904 at a single whaling station on South Georgia and expanded enormously over the next three decades , making use of both shore stations and pelagic fleets .
23 30–40 teams comprising between 130–150 people braved the elements and leapt boating lakes , scaled Peace Pagodas and sipped warm tea in their desperate ( and sometimes pathetic ! ) attempts to become winners of the coveted 1991 Quiz Quest title .
24 were trailing 18–0 in their first round cup-tie Bradford and went desperately close to another major upset against a North Division One side , but York ended four points short of victory at 18–15 .
25 were trailing 18–0 in their first round cup-tie Bradford and went desperately close to another major upset against a North Division One side , but York ended four points short of victory at 18–15 .
26 He judged well the batch behind bowler Patel that removed Lamb .
27 The ice which ended the meal was christened Pôle Nord and consisted of a soft cream encased in ice-cream , resting on an ice pedestal carved in the shape of a bird sitting on a rock .
28 Arthur went back to life alone in his rooms in South Kensington and wondered how to proceed .
29 A study of , for example , St Francis of Assisi and the Hindu mystic Sri Ramana , who founded a flourishing ashram in South India and died in 1950 , could be illuminating .
30 IN 1802 a giant dahlia ( D. coccinea ) , which grew six foot tall and had yellow , orange , scarlet and maroon flowers , was introduced from South America and caused a sensation .
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