Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] take [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although a large proportion of Karavas were poor , some members of this caste successfully took advantage of entrepreneurial opportunities within the expanding market economy .
2 The election of a successor eventually took place in February 1752 , when two candidates presented themselves , the Rev. William Jackson and the Rev. John Chorley Knowles .
3 Handover of the building only took place a couple of days earlier so many hands had made it possible for Mass to be celebrated in a beautiful setting .
4 Since under Israeli law a minister 's dismissal or resignation only took effect 48 hours after the initial announcement was made , Shamir left just enough time to clear the Cabinet of Labour ministers before the Knesset vote .
5 Species that were numerous around the boat and which were caught for a cursory examination only ’ were released again alive , ‘ the operation ’ , Gould maintained , giving ‘ not the least pain to the bird , the point of the hook merely taking hold in the horny and insensible tip of the beak . ’
6 No less culpable was Artemesia 's father , ’ The trial only took place because Artemesia 's father , Aratsio , considered the rape a violation of one of his household objects which was now devalued.This was the only reason Tassi was taken to court , this and the fact that he stole some of Aratsio 's paintings . ’
7 The new administration duly took office on Dec. 10 , marking a return to civilian and democratic government following seven years of rule by successive military juntas .
8 A guidance episode necessarily takes place at one point in time within the developing skills and experience of the client .
10 If these contracts require consent to assign or novate the purchaser may insist that completion only takes place once a specified number of consents have been given or , in particular , consents in relation to the most important contracts comprising a specified percentage of annual turnover .
11 Completion normally takes place four to eight weeks later and there is no opportunity for second thoughts .
12 Enquire at Keeper 's House near Lettermore if concerned , but note no shooting generally takes place on a Sunday .
13 Certainly , that movement of mind normally takes place in a bounded framework of study , i.e. the student 's ‘ course ’ .
14 The offence took its title from the French ‘ effrayer , ’ to frighten , and its essence was that the defendant deliberately took part in fighting or other acts of violence of such a character as to cause alarm to the public .
15 The blood gets washed away in the morning so there 's no evidence to suggest a crime ever took place .
16 His thinking also took account of limited human rationality on the question of responsibility for offences ; unlike Beccaria he allowed for mitigating circumstances such as duress , infancy and insanity to reduce or even remove an individual 's liability to punishment .
17 In the United States , a similar shift from credit-rationing to price-rationing also took place between the seventies and eighties .
18 Dissemination also takes place through the development of new teaching materials for use on executive programmes both at Henley and its partner colleges .
19 The administration also took note of the fears of American oil companies that their interests might suffer elsewhere in the Middle East as a result of the nationalization of the British company .
20 There will be the closures and mothballing of pits , there will be a reduction of Apex jobs under the reorganization now taking place and steps towards privatization will begin .
21 Some ferries have been ‘ Jumbo-ised ’ — cut in half , and an extra bit stuck in the middle — and most are roomier than their predecessors , though deck space seems to have diminished with the years : action now takes place indoors .
22 When the fishkeeping bug really takes hold of the family , I suspect another tank for Angels and a few other larger fish will find its way into the house .
23 This means that to prove the requisite degree of mens rea for an affray , it will he sufficient for the prosecutor to prove that the defendant knowingly took part in a fight .
24 WH Smith 's Swindon warehouse today took delivery of 25 000 copies at its Swindon Warehouse .
25 Moreover , the factual context in which the sort of decisions under review here take place further militates against the exercise of self-determination .
26 We doubt the accuracy of the 1990/91 analysis as to the proportion of effort assigned to different sectors of inspectors ’ activities , and reflect back to GAMTA 's 1983 submission to the CAA review then taking place when we recommended … that there should be more delegation of record checking to junior staff and even greater delegation of inspection functions to authorised personnel within AOC operations .
27 Another is marital breakdown which leads to additional housing requirements , even if remarriage ultimately takes place .
28 Our admissions policy and er , er pre- establishments throughout the education department certainly takes account of erm single parents ' situations , particularly the stress that 's involved in bringing up parents in that respect because it 's it 's the stress that 's involved rather than
29 That was done and completion actually took place is pleaded as the twenty second of November , the er defendants admit completion took place on or about the twenty fifth of November .
30 The vendor will be unwilling to allow the purchaser to manage the business in case completion never takes place .
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