Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Provided that at a meeting of a licensing board the chairman shall not have a second or casting vote on an application for the grant or provisional grant of a new licence , and such an application shall be granted by the board only by a majority of the members thereof present and voting .
2 This is especially so as the local plan makes no reference whatever to the proposal to effectively change from a washed-over to an inset status , while the greenbelt local plan refers to that change only by the one word , quote proposed unquote , in parentheses on page twenty five of the deposit copy .
3 Pontin 's , for the second consecutive year , have agreed to stage and sponsor the championship , assisting the women 's game , which desperately needs the financial input and widespread television coverage enjoyed at present only by the men 's game .
4 They 'd gone to the loo together by the time I joined Bunny .
5 There is no offer or tender or the like given or made by the Vendor in relation to the Business which is still outstanding and capable of giving rise to a contract merely by the unilateral act of a third party .
6 It should be sheltered from the wind and should catch the sun and should be easily accessible to the building perhaps by a partially covered or glazed canopy : planting should be simple , bold and easily maintained , with more variable and small scale flowers and herbs being grown and planted so they can be changed seasonally .
7 Gosport was found to be ‘ virtually without defence , protected on the landward side only by an ill-maintained entrenchment … which would fall at the first assault ’ , while the Isle of Wight contained so few troops , so thinly scattered , that it was bound to succumb to a determined attack .
8 Acting on this belief , he has : taken one of the most outspoken current-affairs programmes , ‘ Vzglyad ’ ( Outlook ) , off the air ; confiscated the property of the independent news agency Interfax , which was saved from closure only by the intervention of Boris Yeltsin and the Moscow city council ; suspended a free-thinking television news show called ‘ TSN ’ ; and consigned Radio Russia , Mr Yeltsin 's mouthpiece , to a frequency where most of the population can not hear it begin its broadcasts with phrases like ‘ In another move reminiscent of Stalinism , President Gorbachev today … ’
9 can be obtained from thebaine only by a series of elaborate and inefficient chemical processes .
10 Fig. 88 abjures pattern , making its effect entirely by the balance of light figures and dark ground ; while Euphronios in fig. 89 makes his patterns too in red-figure : two ways of integrating the picture still further with the pot , both carried on in later generations .
11 This is because each program in the category is content-free , highly versatile , limited in practice only by the user 's imagination .
12 A better and more accurate method is to set the edit-in point on the source-tape early by the amount of the backspace , so that the true edit-in point reaches the playback head just as the record-machine completes the backspace and starts to record .
13 Although the order of the shots on the original tape can not be changed wholesale , inserts such as titles ( either generated electronically within the camcorder , or shot from a title card directly by the lens in the ordinary way ) can be made .
14 THE QUEST to find a new role for the Scottish Constitutional Convention will be extended for another month , in spite of considerable doubts expressed about its future yesterday by the leadership of the Scottish Liberal Democrats .
15 It was set a great deal more by the massive alteration in the balance of the Catholic community — the decline of France , Italy and Spain , the rise of Brazil , the United States , the Philippines , even Zaire , the revival of Catholic Eastern Europe , the larger shift from both west to east ( especially in Europe ) and from north to south .
16 Then what would you have thought if Harry Goodhaven had disappeared for ever yesterday afternoon and you 'd found his car later by a cliff , real or metaphorical ? ’
17 Will my right hon. Friend accept that GPs were encouraged to introduce computerisation partly by an offer of Government funds to refund the cost of that process and , in districts such as the Wessex health authority , those funds have not been fully forthcoming ?
18 Everything was a dangerous practice though by the same rule .
19 ANTONIS TRITSIS , the Mayor of Athens who has died aged 55 , was an extravagant figure even by the colourful standards of contemporary Greek politics .
20 I 'm confident that the scheme wo n't cost anything like as much as the estimate , but I 'm , I 'm sure it 's right that it 's been , having having done some background work to see how many people might claim it I 'm confident that that we 've erred on the safe side here by a substantial amount , and that 's why I 'm sure it can be met from the overall budget .
21 side then by the time you 've walked round
22 The gross outflow of direct investment abroad by the five big OECD economies increased sevenfold between 1983 and 1989 .
23 Well up the fence there by the side .
24 In the vast majority of cases , soil conservation measures were seen by land-users to be a symptom of oppression either by a colonial regime or by small interlocking urban elites .
25 Stay put as you will change your mind again by the end of the month !
26 The choice between big city life and small town values is made a great deal easier by the fact that this idyllic southern country village is like Twin Peaks without the psychopaths , peopled entirely by lovable eccentrics and glamorous models .
27 Others , such as the South Western , North Western and Midlands Boards , were less keen to raise tariffs to meet rising costs , and had to be given financial aid occasionally by the Central Authority from its reserves .
28 Now what , what was emerging in the end of last week 's discussion was that there 's been the agrarian land law , land law of er October nineteen forty seven , absolute egalitarianism and a recognition certainly by the spring of nineteen forty eight that that had overstepped the mark at least in terms of its implementation in that it had in particular led to the encroachment of middle
29 In France the government is backing a FFr 1.4 billion five year investment programme into photovoltaic technology and the view has been expressed that photovoltaics could become a $10 billion a year industry worldwide by the end of the century .
30 Ken commented earlier that er er prior to the Financial Services Act coming into force which I think was some time in nineteen eighty-eight , the er D T I was responsible and there come back to the D T I if these sort of things had applied and er compensation effectively by the D T I for mal-administration or whatever so that er say we do n't pretend to be pension experts , so any retrospection that I would suggest might well be appropriate as at the date of the Financial Services Act becoming into force .
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