Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] have get " in BNC.

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1 amalgamating , with another firm so the paper work probably has got lost So I
2 She said well I should imagine that 's what 's happened the paper work here has got muddled up with the other .
3 But he says it 's got this wee arrow here 's got to be in the middle of this dial , you know .
4 The teacher in the first school classroom particularly has got to look out , they 've got to be aware , does the child give any overt sign of recognition ?
5 Well this this curve here 's got s steps in it but it wo n't
6 State Governor also has to get fit — he burst a vein when he ran at Ripon on Bank Holiday Monday .
7 The woman really had got the hots for her .
8 And er these people , you know , next door like have got er they 've got six or seven boys I think ! gang of kids !
9 How could the old man possibly have got there so fast ?
10 So a young man really has to get initiated and conform to what the elders expect if he 's going to have any reproductive success at all and that 's exactly what happens .
11 I would to our officers they should not grant another contract to Borough Council until they start to use the correct machines for doing the work and I hope that that message now has got across to the cou county surveyor and he really ought to be talking to Borough Council to find out what they 're doing about it .
12 I wonder if this man here 's got buttons on today .
13 And think really depending on what we all do , feminism here has got a very rich future as well .
14 Does it surprise you that the government seemingly has got into a rather insensitive and delicate position over this ?
15 Sorry , my my my other point is about about Ryedale , and and and its its and its its unde its relationship to Southern Ryedale , and erm Mr Smith said that erm as far as Ryedale Council are concerned they ca n't identify any more land within Southern Ryedale , well of course they would say that because was there position at the Southern Ryedale plan , but the fact of the matter is that there was a great dispute at the York greenbelt Southern Ryedale plan enquiry , revol resolving around the issue of what were the bits of the greenbelt which made up the historic character and thereby what were you left with that potentially could be developed , albeit it might be reserved as white land in the first place , but could potentially be developed , and a great deal of this land on the disputed side lay in Southern Ryedale , that in that in fact there was a view around the table not only sh not only shared by by the developers side , but erm that large parts of Osbaldwick and Huntingdon did n't fall within the definition of greenbelt as as set out by by the County Council in their N Y Two Two document , now that matter clearly has got to be something left to the Inspector and the Greenbelt Inquiry , but I think it 's fair to point out that there is actually a difference of view , so it 's not an absolute position , that you ca n't identify more land within within Southern Ryedale , and indeed , erm , not that I want to raise the Local Government Commission 's head again , but of course the Local Government Commission is proposing that York be a unitary authority expanded , and once Yor , if York does become a unitary authority expanded then some of these areas will fall within their area , and they may have a different view than er the Ryedale current Ryedale district council does , and therefore I think it is a little unsafe to take just at pure se pure face value , that there is no more land within Southern Ryedale that could be developed .
16 The Co-Op here 's got cordless jug kettle for twelve ninety nine
17 And you want me to tell the warren that young — er — young — er — your brother here has got a hunch and we must all go trapesing across country to goodness knows where and risk the consequences , eh ?
18 And it 's got victory written in small letters all over it and of course the v for victory and this this particular design here has got items of clothing and the number of coupons required for each item scattered over .
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