Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] have a " in BNC.

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1 If there are four marks for a given point , the candidate who gets it all right gets four , the candidate who gets it all wrong gets nothing , but the chap who gets it part right has a possibility of one , two or three , and it 's often a question of judgement as to what an imperfect answer is worth .
2 The water treatment polymers will open up new markets for FMC , which at present only has a small business in this field based on commodity chemicals .
3 As mentioned above , income support only has an ordinary , and not a long-term rate .
4 Pamela only had a few friends ( 1 year ) .
5 Unless they are truly inspirational Id rather have a decent full back/midfielder/striker .
6 The young Yorkshireman apparently has a good temperament and a complete all-round game .
7 The point must not be pressed too far , since the statute obviously has a broad purpose ( or , to speak more precisely , those who collaborated in framing and passing the statute had a broad purpose ) which is expressed in the words .
8 He had been educated at Eton College so had an excellent command of English .
9 Binnerton manor obviously had a large number of freeholders , including some members of the nobility and gentry who probably never set foot in the place let alone attended the manorial court .
10 Of course , my lord Moray already had an unmarried sister … !
11 The food industry generally has a clear responsibility to ensure that food supplied to its customers is safe .
12 Kassin , Ellsworth and Smith ( 1989 ) found that 70% of a sample of 63 experts felt that this phenomenon is reliable enough for psychologists to present in court-room testimony — the experts in this study generally had a PhD in psychology and over half of them reported having actually testified about eyewitness testimony .
13 An investor who holds a European call option in a stock thus has a guaranteed price at which he can buy the stock on the settlement day , if he so wishes .
14 And the president already has a seat at the future high table , the European Council .
15 The new President already has a legion of critics who find him shallow and lacking in principle .
16 the front seat just have a good look round here .
17 And despite being so cool , DJ still has a fiery temper and can summon up a useful blast of flame breath at any time .
18 For him , political action always has a moral purpose .
19 If there are 2 or 300 people outside , the gig is sold out , and that term still has a certain magic in the music industry .
20 For a few patients who experience severe or recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding of unknown origin , diagnostic laparotomy still has a place .
21 Yet the Commission says the industry still has a lot of life in it .
22 The stock still has a long way to go before its regains the 780p level at which its stood in early April before a warning of a slow-down in sales .
23 Even close up the Mad Axe still has an air of quality about it and the finish is one of the best I 've seen on a Korean guitar .
24 AT the outbreak of World War Two in September 1939 Coastal Command still had a number of biplane flying-boats on operations including , Saro Londons , Short Singapores and Supermarine Stranraers .
25 The mounted soldier still had a long way to go and his influence was very considerable in the whole period covered by this book .
26 Johnny was an old friend of my father 's and as a carrier still had a number of horse-drawn carts in addition to his expanding fleet of ex-Army lorries .
27 Modernism always had an irremediably alien air about it , having reached England at around the turn of the century in the hands of immigrants : Conrad from Poland , Eliot and Pound from the United States , Wyndham Lewis from somewhere vaguely transatlantic .
28 The adult rook also has a white patch at the base of the bill , where the crow 's bill and face are all black .
29 The department also has a specific interest in ensuring N C V O is sensitive to the needs of rural areas , and rural voluntary organisations .
30 The agent also has a vested interest in keeping the event 's costs at a minimum .
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