Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] may [be] " in BNC.

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1 According to the position of the court in the hierarchy other courts may be bound by the ratio of the case or may be in a position to overrule or amend it .
2 This may correspond with a ley or may be something of a more sinuous natural .
3 The proper scientist sees reality through a glass darkly — and believeth all facts , heareth all facts and seeth all facts , but still has to reckon with the fact that he is part of the experiment and may be seeing the reflection of his own opinions .
4 The death of a parent is a loss but it is an unavoidable loss and may be worked through in its effect .
5 Existing members of pension schemes set up prior to the 1989 Budget or who joined established schemes before 1 June 1989 may not be affected by the rule and may be entitled to a higher tax-free lump sum .
6 ( 11.13 ) This is the alternative form of the Ernst equation and may be rewritten in the coordinate-invariant form .
7 The epicranium is the upper region of the head from the frons to the neck and may be divided longitudinally into two epicranial plates by the ecdysial cleavage line or median sulcus .
8 It also includes discouraging cultural traits that have outlived their usefulness and may be otherwise harmful to society .
9 Candida ( thrush ) occurs inside the mouth and may be treated by drops , lozenges or tablets of anti-fungal drugs , eg ‘ Nystatin ’ or ‘ Fluconazole ’ .
10 It is not a large effect and may be ignored , or alternatively some form of shielding could be provided .
11 The " Shore " hardness test for rubbers is well known in the rubber industry and may be used to derive a value for the modulus E.
12 Pupils can sometimes be diffident in expressing their anxieties about their visual condition and may be greatly helped if they can talk to someone knowledgeable and experienced in such matters who is unlikely to be surprised by incidents which can be a worry to some youngsters , such as , for instance , a glass eye lost in the swimming pool or the effect of strong light on a photophobic ( averse to glare ) pupil which makes him sit with closed eyes .
13 Such regimens reduce the cost of administration and may be less toxic .
14 Thus Oct-11 is a bona fide octamer binding protein and may be able to interact in vivo with similar target genes as Oct-1 and Oct-2 .
15 Apart from gonococcal infection , certain other bacteria are sometimes found in the urethra and may be responsible for the signs and symptoms of NGU .
16 The tops of the wedges are often covered with gravel and may be awash during the spring thaw .
17 In breach of statutory duty , the standard of performance is fixed by the statute and may be strict .
18 She is generally continent but may be incontinent of urine once a week .
19 The proportion of crystalline material in natural cellulose varies a good deal but may be about thirty or forty per cent of the whole .
20 Employees may be given time off for house hunting or may be expected to do this at weekends .
21 Does my right hon. Friend agree that even if one ignores what is happening in the former USSR , there are other countries in the world that are potential aggressors and which either have nuclear capacity or may be near to acquiring it ?
22 Lack of organization creates work and may be a consequence of feeling dissatisfied , as in Juliet Warren 's case :
23 If engaged in hand-to-hand fighting the unit will break if it fails the test and may be pursued just as if it had been broken in hand-to-hand combat .
24 Temporary refrigeration of vaccines during or after their transport had no benefit and may be falsely reassuring .
25 Drivers exceeding the speed limit will be reported to site management and may be barred from driving on the site and may be subject to disciplinary action .
26 Adhesion need not be a formal act and may be demonstrated through behaviour , although there appears to be a presumption against this .
27 Most patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy lose their independent mobility and may be confined to a wheelchair by the age of 12 , but many spend some time standing with a suitable support .
28 There are two groups of tropical diseases of importance ; those that are sexually transmitted — chancroid , granuloma inguinale , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and those that , although passed on in a non-sexual fashion , are closely related to syphilis and may be confused with it .
29 This simple risotto provides a filling supper dish and may be made with an end chunk of salame .
30 A far more impressive performance was turned in by Katabatic , who defeated three rivals in the Aintree Chase and may be seen out again before the season ends .
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