Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] do not " in BNC.

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1 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
2 It is often forgotten how many people in a developed country like Wales , either do not own a car or do not have regular access to one .
3 We hope that the Government will listen reasonably to them , because they have been tabled in a reasonable frame of mind and do not make party political points .
4 Mr Major , reading from briefing notes , said : ‘ I believe the ex-convener at Timex said those dismissed never called for a sit-down demonstration and do not sponsor violence .
5 Almost contemplatively , he said , ‘ Since I am an atheist and do not believe in God , I do not believe in sin in the sense you intend the word .
6 The message about using visual aids is to use what is appropriate to the talk and do not let the technique dominate the context .
7 If you drive a car and do not already use unleaded petrol , the guidelines below will indicate how to adjust and make the change towards cheaper motoring and a cleaner and healthier environment .
8 If you are driving alone in a car , do not stop to pick up hitch-hikers , always lock all your doors if you are sitting in a parked car and do not roll down the window to give a suspicious looking stranger directions .
9 They rely for their action on enhancing the mechanical action of manual scrubbing and do not have a true chemical activity .
10 On one level the Republic often criticises the northern security forces , but it too relies on the RUC : the Garda co-operate with the northern police force and do not , as a matter of policy , deal with either the Army or the UDR .
11 Exterior wood stains , which can be solvent or water based , tend to mask the grain of the wood , but have good resistance to ultra-violet light and do not fail by peeling or flaking .
12 We need to find refrigerants that are completely free from chlorine and do not cause other environmental problems such as contributing to global warming .
13 It should be noted that the stages are defined purely for the purposes of this review and do not feature in the National Certificate Catalogue .
14 Be warned ; legal cases do not always go the householder 's way , so put away the shotgun and do not get angry when people drop litter on your front lawn .
15 Make the ‘ low flags ’ area a nonstopping zone that is , retain the bus stops on the High Row side but do not allow any stopping at all on the lower side , say , from Woolworths to the Tubwell Row corner .
16 I have a car badge belonging to the 159 Motor Club but do not know what the club is , or was , and have been unable to find out .
17 Research but do not build
18 In saying that an event c caused an event e , or that e was the effect of c , we typically have in mind but do not say that a set of things including c , but not necessarily all occurring at the same time , was required for e .
19 Follow the path to the near right hand corner of the lake and then bear right , keeping the lake on your left and walk to the fence but do not cross it .
20 We may have discovered a statistical effect but do not understand how it operates ; the brute fact that people who have experienced unemployment are more rebellious in spirit does not itself explain why this occurs ( see diagram ) .
21 Lakatos offers Marxism and Freudian psychology as programmes that satisfy the first criterion but do not satisfy the second , and modern sociology as a programme that perhaps satisfies the second but does not satisfy the first .
22 For example , you may be the greatest athlete in the world but your capacity to influence my behaviour is very small if I do not know you are a famous athlete or do not value athletic ability .
23 I replied to Ms Chevannes through the same newspaper thus : ‘ Generally , black kids do not demonstrate interest in school work and do not sink much enthusiasm into their efforts .
24 One , the non-contributory invalidity pension , is paid for those who are incapable of work and do not qualify for a contributory pension .
25 Ex-registered dockers are a particularly useful force of labour as they know the work and do not require training or close supervision — and they are only paid when work is available .
26 PEOPLE use patents either as a valid legal weapon to block rival manufacture or as a bluff to put off rival manufacturers who know nothing about patent law and do not take legal advice from a patent agent .
27 Nevertheless , the view that consumer tastes are in part the result of corporate influence and do not originate exclusively in the autonomous individual will is a persuasive one .
28 The interest rates are calculated in the way required by the Consumer Credit Act and do not take into account any tax relief that could be gained for a home improvements loan .
29 Together with colleagues from North America , we were challenged by a Native Canadian theologian to share our faith in ways which affirm our common humanity and do not destroy other cultures .
30 The Elves , who will never leave the material universe and do not know what happens to Men when they die , are embodiments of language-users for whom the breath-wind-spirit distinction would be meaningless .
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