Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 With a man it 's like a rocket : it fires and goes into orbit or it crashes .
2 Well , when it , when it is irrational it is operating either under the influence of the id or it 's overwhelmed by some external circumstances that it just ca n't understand the controls , therefore making all the wrong decisions and acting in a completely inadequate manner .
3 The page printer is a binary device , it either prints a dot or it does n't , and is , therefore , incapable of producing the dots of varying sizes .
4 ‘ It was then that they released the Wheel and it came bowling down the hill not more than ten yards from where I was standing .
5 The boat lurched as his hands slackened on the wheel and it hit the wake of a speeding launch .
6 It happens in religion and it happens in politics .
7 Out there is a whole world full of garbage and it gives me ulcers to throw one more shred of scum back on the heap . ’
8 It 's my job to keep a check on the stock and it seemed a good chance to get something done … ’
9 You were asked to phone in , so , erm , so our phone was out of order , so I had a phone card and it had four units on it .
10 If you , in case A , if you imagine that you 're presented with with a piece of paper or card and it has two symbols on it , right ?
11 The Government says the dentists are treating too many patients under a new productivity deal and it plans to cut back on payments by an average of £6,000 to each practitioner .
12 The Government says the dentists are treating too many patients under a new productivity deal and it plans to cut back on payments by an average of £6,000 to each practitioner .
13 That 's the one for me because it 's so raunchy sounding and it 's got a real grit to it that I think is just fantastic .
14 Erm yes the cycle work working party has been very successful i er experiment and it has been much appreciated not only by people in the city but by the the other parties that have taken part in it .
15 Japanese , it 's a massive one , one er , it 's a thirty thousand gallon erm pond and it 's got , and it goes through a filter box and it 's four and a half tons of erm four and a half tons and that is a lot of
16 And now he was passing a second and more dilapidated pillbox and it struck him that the whole headland had the desolate look of an old battlefield , the corpses long since carted away but the air vibrating still with the gunfire of long-lost battles , while the power station loomed over it like a grandiose modern monument to the unknown dead .
17 Ultimately , their efforts brought those ‘ Peace People ’ the Nobel Peace Prize in December 1977 , but controversy over that award added to the movement 's inability to sustain its momentum and it faded from the newspaper front pages .
18 When , for example , a previously repressed anger comes back into consciousness and it becomes safer for a person to acknowledge his hostility , desire is also freed .
19 However , this is only a recommendation and it remains to be seen just how much notice the courts will take or whether legislation will follow .
20 On Sunday , all afternoon it 's flipping football and it drives me crazy !
21 ‘ Ron Atkinson enjoys life and football and it gets through to everyone at Aston Villa .
22 The speed is still going up , the acceleration , and eventually it reaches a top speed and it stays there .
23 When I was in the north-east , there was particular concern among business men whom I met because the north-east in particular has benefited greatly from Japanese investment and it does not want investors to be frightened off .
24 His appearance in the Toyota World Match Play at Wentworth in October was his 17th in succession and it gave him the chance of winning the title for a record sixth time .
25 The largest was at Gretna on the Solway Firth and it became no less than a State-developed new town , south-west of the existing village .
26 Toxoplasmosis infection is caused by a parasite and it affects 50 per cent of us by the time we 're 70 .
27 ‘ So we made the pickup and it did really well .
28 erm it 's an automatic enhancement and it depends on your actual length of service and you know when you actually apply for the for the infirmity allowance .
29 Dawn was just breaking and I began to see a little more civilisation and it looked sort of right .
30 This is a typical result and it seems that , like the tendons , the early development of the muscles is quite autonomous .
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