Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [vb mod] make " in BNC.

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1 Accumulated unused permissions could constitute a difficult problem for some local authorities : they create uncertainty and could make an authority reluctant to grant further permissions , which might result in , for example , too great a strain on public services .
2 The Designated Research Centre within the unit will conduct substantive research and will make a contribution to methods and resources for social research in the UK .
3 Jennie certainly knew about the gossip and would make the odd crack .
4 At least it has sparked off some serious research in determining whether organochlorides and PCBs , which do have an immunosuppressive effect and would make the seals vulnerable to viral attack , are the guilty parties .
5 Democratization of public life : ‘ the creation of the kind of atmosphere in society which will prevent expert knowledge from having a monopoly in any sphere of administration and will make the unlimited rule of hierarchic conditions impossible ’ .
6 An application is not necessarily unreasonable because it is inconvenient for the addressee of the application or causes him considerable work or may make him vulnerable to future claims , or is addressed to a person who is not an officer or employee of or contractor with the company in administration , but all of these will be among the factors relevant to be taken into consideration ( post , pp. 862H — 863A , 864C ) .
7 An application is not necessarily unreasonable because it is inconvenient for the addressee of the application or causes him a lot of work or may make him vulnerable to future claims , or is addressed to a person who is not an officer or employee of or a contractor with the company in administration , but all these will be relevant factors , together no doubt with many others .
8 In terms of the organization of enterprises , there was little belief that union representatives could be in a truly mediatory role between workers and management and could make work more interesting , for example .
9 Over 250 centres at home and abroad will offer you an ideal learning environment , suitable equipment and will make sure your first experiences afloat are safe — and highly enjoyable .
10 Hickel a strong supporter of the cull , has called a three-day wolf summit to discuss the issue and will make a final decision after the meeting .
11 He was also proud to announce that the Barnes Wallis Collection was to come to the Museum and would make a major exhibition .
12 FORMER Middlesbrough defender Owen McGee has joined Fourth Division Scarborough on trial and could make his debut against Halifax Town on Saturday .
13 The consolidation of the eternal and unshakeable friendship formed between the Soviet and Korean peoples , thanks to the liberation and assistance by the Soviet Union will further strengthen the international democratic camp and will make a valuable contribution to the struggle against the aggressive imperialists , the instigators of a new war .
14 The Commission concludes that the Government should consider options to enhance the local tax base and should make efforts to increase the understanding and acceptability of SSAs .
15 This is a beautiful section of the canal and will make an excellent route out of town to the south-west , as well as providing cycle access to Heriot-Watt campus .
16 The final report will describe the context of student attitudes and opinions within which expansion must take place and will make a number of specific recommendations on action to be taken by departments of Arabic .
17 I am doing some special strengthening work that has been recommended and that hopefully will bring about recovery and will make surgery unnecessary .
18 If the adventurers return to this room after a first encounter , the puppets ‘ remember ’ the events of the first meeting and will make suitably sarcastic comments .
19 Solicitors and barristers in private practice are in business and must make a profit to survive .
20 A small , shallow valance approximately 15cm ( 6in ) deep , with more fullness than the curtains , would enhance the window 's appearance and would make very little difference to the light in the room .
21 ‘ A good teacher is someone who 'll take a good joke but will make us work to get the work done .
22 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the problem faced by the United Nations in recent decades has been entanglement in east-west confrontation and that at this stage of its development it does not need to embark on an extremely controversial and difficult period of structural reform but should make greater use not only of the United Nations charter but of the existing United Nations machinery ?
23 ‘ Businesses are forced to become more aware of other problems of family responsibility But let's make sure that these childcare provisions are not merely cosmetic . ’
24 It took almost an hour for Murray to prepare an 15-word statement saying : ‘ I can confirm the ball was changed at lunch-time but will make no further comment . ’
25 See what can be done without filtration if you have a pollution-free source of water and can make one or two water changes a day .
26 But it says that the surviving mudflats may be needed in future because they are near deep water and could make good sites for factories that are served by ships .
27 She was a sweet , loving person and would make someone a wonderful wife .
28 You know if you 're out on strike you 're out on strike and must make it hundred percent , that 's how it is .
29 Burton is a still brimming pool , running disturbingly deep ; at twenty-five he commands a repose and can make silence garrulous .
30 Get your goddam diary and let's make a date . ’
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