Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 To help look after your new perm use shampoos , conditioners and styling products with special ‘ permed hair or chemically treated formulations ’ .
2 The position of the hole for the ballvalve stem may be dictated by a backplate or specially strengthened section near the top of the cistern .
3 The list of people buried here is long and includes Judah Loew ben Bezalel ( Rabbi Loew d.1609 ) , a philosopher who was interested in the supernatural in traditional Jewish teaching , and whose notorious golem or artificially created servant , was said to lie in pieces in the attic of the Old-New Synagogue ; David Gans , the first Jewish historian to write a history of the gentiles which was published in Prague in 1592 ; Josef Salomo ben Elias del Medigo de Candia ( the Wandering Jew ) , who was born in Crete , studied at Palermo , was a pupil of Galileo , and finally practised medicine everywhere from Cairo to Prague ; Mardochee who founded a most important printing press in Prague and who was one of the founders of the Brotherhood of the Dead who until this century kept vigil at the cemetery .
4 Moreover , at the beginning of such crises the production of consumer goods either remained at a high level or actually continued to increase .
5 An hour or so spent talking with other women about how weak , cruel , uncaring , lazy and insensitive their husbands were always made her tired .
6 There was still an hour or so left of debate .
7 Their loving was wild and tempestuous , with no time to spare for tenderness or softly spoken promises .
8 The novice teacher will require careful guidance through the option structure of the program with clear explanations and very limited demands in terms of making choices , if he is not to be distracted from the normal demands of teaching or even put off completely .
9 Champagne 's échelle des crus is essentially a fairer system than other classifications in France where , as in Burgundy or Bordeaux for example , villages or properties are either steeped in glory or barely known , as the case may be .
10 From the above it is reasonably clear that : ( 1 ) the question of whether there is a " formulated dispute " is not conclusive ; ( 2 ) the requirements of a judicial function and the judicial procedures of submissions and evidence are conclusive unless specifically contradicted by commercial practice and/or contractually incorporated rules ; and ( 3 ) the agreement to accept the decision is not conclusive .
11 Several fine enamelled objects were found scattered on the floor , either representing part of his stock or else intended for scrap .
12 Forms which are not attached to the coast or only attached at one end seem to orientate themselves , some at right angles to the resultant like attached forms and some parallel to the resultant for reasons which remain uncertain .
13 They could be either recorded from the big screen by a cinema goer or illegally reproduced by someone with access to the film.Intv .
14 Of the wines produced in Alsace , 95 per cent are white and dry with a smattering of rosés , a few ( delicious ) reds , a handful of sweet whites ( identified on the label as being vendange tardive or late picked ) and a little sparkling , known as Cremant d'Alsace ) .
15 ‘ Nothing which is not either documented by photograph or clearly indicated by surviving is replaced .
16 However , as late as 1979 a Soviet researcher wrote that no system existed for checking and analysing technical and economic information relating to product quality , and that ‘ present methods of assessing the quality of goods manufactured for export or already delivered to the foreign consumer can not provide an adequate view of how well they are produced ’ ( Gruzinov : 1979 , p. 191 ) .
17 When the complexities of circumstance defeat analysis , and we grope for the best prediction or choice attainable , we do not doubt that there is a better founded prediction or better informed choice which no one perhaps will be lucky enough to hit on .
18 All units , whether college or centrally developed , should contain a broad statement of the area covered by the unit , the preferred entry level , a statement of the competences required , ( a competence can be defined as the ability to perform tasks in employment ) and the criteria by which competence can be assessed .
19 The cake keeps well in a tin or tightly wrapped in foil and should be served sliced , buttered or with jam .
20 She sought also to argue that he was in error in failing to decide that she had established a grave risk that they would be exposed to physical or psychological harm or otherwise placed in an intolerable situation if their return were to be ordered .
21 for use by a solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is or proposes to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or shares in a body corporate seeking recognition or already recognised under the Solicitors ' Incorporated Practice Rules 1988 .
22 for use by a recognised body ( or body seeking recognition ) which is or proposes to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or shares in a body corporate seeking recognition or already recognised under the Solicitors ' Incorporated Practice Rules 1988 .
23 A comrade is talking to you one moment and is gone the next , either blasted beyond recognition or seriously wounded .
24 Sometimes the excess products could be released back onto the market , but at other times they were sold abroad at a loss or simply destroyed .
25 ’ I must repeat my warning that the South Wales Constabulary can not be treated like a sponge and continually expected to absorb an ever-increasing workload without an inevitable decline in the quality of the service we provide ’ .
26 Sound judgement , clear , logical thinking and highly developed analytical skills will allow you to provide effective economic intelligence , and you will compound the ability to think conceptually by translating complex issues into business realities .
27 Thus , McConaghy and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments on what they call ‘ allusive thinking ’ , a concept similar to overinclusive thinking and actually measured by them with a clinical , thought disorder test .
28 On the other hand , if you have lost your partner and like two branches of a tree , you had grown together in kindness and only lived for each other through thick and thin , then talk inwardly to your partner .
29 She stopped at an off-licence and recklessly bought pink champagne .
30 But they were unhappy with the deal and allegedly forced their way into Mr Hawthorne 's home in Hopemoor Place , Darlington , two days later , the court heard .
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