Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Description and/or interpretation includes some of the kinds of activity involved in an exercise called " Practical Criticism " , which entails commenting on prose passages and poems .
2 First , his emphasis on the word ‘ prescribe ’ indicates an inability and/or unwillingness to coerce .
3 This section covers damage to the Building and/or Contents caused by aircraft or other aerial devices or articles dropped from them .
4 This contingency covers damage to the Building and/or Contents caused by the breakage or collapse of television and radio aerials , satellite dish aerials , aerial fittings and masts .
5 A pie chart can help the retailer or business-person see at a glance exactly where the money goes .
6 Wheldon & Wesley has been appointed sole distributor for Europe and America by Yasaka Shobo Inc , Japan .
7 A brick or tile used in the construction of a building is a thing comprised in land by virtue of being attached to it .
8 If , for example , you obtain an injunction to halt building or demolition works , you may be interrupting a building contract ; though this may well only be temporary , the opposition may also seek an undertaking , or even a bond , to cover their costs should you lose .
9 Every inhabited building or interior tells a different story , of how life is or was : ‘ The joyous shot at how things ought to belong fallen wide ’ .
10 A waste disposer can , of course , be fitted into a single main sink , but do make sure your building or house has the sort of drainage system that will not be fouled up by liquid refuse in bulk .
11 Special procedure is provided for provisional licences where building or reconstruction has yet to be done : subs .
12 ‘ The operation or termination of the account of a member borrowing on a class 1 or class 2 advance and the grant or refusal to grant a borrowing member of that description other or further class 1 , or as the case may be , class 2 advances secured on the same or different land or other facilities normally available to borrowing members of his description .
13 ‘ The ombudsman shall … investigate any complaint received by him from an individual if [ 1 ] … the complaint relates to action taken in the United Kingdom by a building society … [ 2 ] in relation to … the grant or refusal to grant a borrowing member … other or further … advances secured on the same or different land provided that the grounds of complaint [ are ] that [ 3 ] the action complained of constitutes in relation to the complainant : — ( a ) in the case of a participating society , a breach of its obligations under the Act , its rules or any other contract or … ( b ) unfair treatment or ( c ) maladministration .
14 It is common ground between the plaintiffs and the ombudsman that the only relevant matter of complaint is that part of paragraph 3 of Part II to Schedule 12 , which refers to the grant or refusal to grant further advances to a borrowing member .
15 The next question is whether such action is taken in relation to the grant or refusal to grant a further loan .
16 A further parallel with judicial proceedings is that opposition may be dropped and the matter settled on the basis of some concession or undertaking granted by the promoters or their agents .
17 When driving straight ahead at a roundabout should you normally A use the left lane or B use the right lane ?
18 When driving straight ahead at a roundabout should you normally A use the left lane or B use the right lane ?
19 Can food allergy or intolerance cause mental symptoms ?
20 For , plainly , such a procedure and the acknowledgement of either authoritative text or persons involve the existence of rules of a type different from the rules of obligation or duty which ex hypothesi are all that the group has .
21 It consists of the bass-parts for each choir , placed one above the other , with bar-lines but no text or figures to indicate how he was to fill out the bass , only an occasional flat or sharp above the notes ; when in the Masses a movement begins in a higher part only , this is shown in the organ part ; but when the higher voices sing without the bass , the organ part is marked ‘ tacet ’ or ‘ non est hic ’ .
22 As Sperber and Wilson ( 1986 ) show , the fact that there is no single interpretation for a text or utterance does not mean that interpretation is not constrained at all .
23 You choose an author ; but then you need to decide which text or texts to work on ( sometimes which parts of that text or texts ) , and which version of the texts to choose .
24 Jeffrey Levinton 's Marine Ecology ‘ aims to be a text or background reading ’ at degree level .
25 This does not mean ‘ just-enough ’ telecommunications on site ; it may also mean the nearness to a micro-wave or satellite TV link or surface links to a major town .
26 Enter G to grant the link or C to cancel the link , and press the RETURN key .
27 If the surface is brushed , making it fluffy , shapes cut from felt , flannel or material backed with flocked paper will easily adhere to the blanket .
28 On a pragmatic level , the pressure for self-government or franchise complicated the aristocracy 's game of preserving their own lordship while subverting that of their rivals .
29 Obviously , having two amps means you 'll hear yourself better on stage , but I would have thought that a performer would prefer actual monitoring or foldback to come from a PA source ( ie. what the audience is hearing ) rather than a backline source .
30 The process of settlement or compromise referred to in Chapter 10 can continue throughout a civil action in the High Court , so that the procedural steps necessary to bring an action to trial may be taken in the knowledge that a hearing may yet be averted .
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