Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 One of the results of an active media relations service is likely to be requests for spokesmen for radio and television programmes , and special events and launches could lead to live coverage or even to a programme being made on the subject .
2 You can do all your homework and be in the right swim during a feeding spell and then still miss the fish if you , for example , put all your baits under the far bank and the pack is moving up and down the centre of the drain or close to the near bank which in my experience is quite common .
3 It is therefore extremely significant that we read of Jesus in the New Testament that the Spirit descends and remains on him ( John 1:32 ) and that God did not give his Spirit by measure or sparingly to him ( John 3:34 ) .
4 Novacrylic is a top surface which can be laid directly on to a macadam sub base or on to layers of Novacushion or the new Ultracushion .
5 Half an hour or so to dinner .
6 Thus he considered the social sciences too messy to have a paradigm or even to be likely soon to acquire one .
7 At first they spent their Saturdays and an occasional evening with a group of friends : shopping , at parties , going to the cinema or occasionally to a disco .
8 Then great standing stones brought to mark the way at intervals , and on a bank leading up to a mountain ridge or down to a ford the track cut deep so as to form a guiding notch on the skyline as you come up .
9 Although the CD4 counts of the 877 people given AZT were consistently greater than those of patients receiving only placebo , the first three years of follow-up have shown that the proportions of people in the two groups progressing to overt AIDS or even to death were not significantly different at roughly 18 per cent .
10 Dinosaur size is a vitally important subject , bearing as it does on the controversy concerning metabolism and the generation and conduction of heat , and hence on the susceptibility or otherwise to changes in climate .
11 That 's right , it 's just that I worked , I think , yesterday I could n't get into erm , I just could n't get into and yesterday I must admit I felt really rough and erm , I thought at three o'clock I was going to have to ring Iris , cos I knew you were still out you see and at three o'clock I thought I was going to have to ring Iris er just to come in cos I ca n't like your head was my stomach was churning over , it was n't till , soon as I get some food in front of me oh I get , you see I did n't feel too cracking in the morning and I thought well there 's lots of stomach bugs going about and I thought well I 'm having one of them , and I did n't know what I fancied for lunch and I cooked the kiddies theirs , they had fish and what have you , and erm , I thought well what can I have , I thought I what , I thought I got a little tin of salmon there , so I thought right I 'll have a salmon sandwich and I had that and believe me I felt , by three o'clock I could see myself picking me up off the floor , I only got spots before my eyes as such , but , I just had , I had four , five cups of water , I did n't drink any tea , and I wish then , well I do n't know whether I could have felt any worse when I had the sandwich or not to be honest .
12 A protest can extend from a lone voice on a box at a street corner to a riot or even to a civil war .
13 On the ballot paper it was unclear whether the member was voting ‘ yes or no ’ to all industrial action or only to certain aspects — no overtime , non-attendance at meetings etc .
14 So far , Coleman 's meetings with Pan Am 's attorneys had been informal , and the information he provided fairly basic , but while poking about in Europe , he became aware that somebody else , either within the DEA or close to it , was also talking knowledgeably about a link between DEA Nicosia and the bombing of Flight 103 .
15 If Iran , weary and broke after its war with Iraq , has waved goodbye to its proselytising days , this is a valid reason for easing it out of its isolation and back to the position in Gulf politics which , from the shah on , it has craved and which reflects the size of its population and length of its coastline .
16 In some urban areas it can comprise as much as 40 per cent of the stock and up to 100 per cent of houses over considerable tracts .
17 Ernie , who was employed by him , would go up on a Sun day to feed his stock and unbeknown to Dick Gooding would bring the old mule back with him , hitch him to the hand cart and pull it over to Birling Bank , this went on for some time and poor old Dick knew nothing of these goings on .
18 Red card and back to the subs ' bench for Jim .
19 He kept rolling , still hanging on to his weapons , and fell over the front of the Jeep and on to the pavement outside .
20 Since the causal chain passes through perception and on to the rest of the nervous system , perhaps triggering action , it must become physical again .
21 We can take our students beyond that stage of technical feedback and on to the levels of self-enlightenment and self-emancipation , through encouraging ever-wider and higher levels of self-criticism .
22 It is a passport to altered states of consciousness and ultimately to self-realisation .
23 From Waterloo station , he phoned the offices of The Courier and somewhat to his surprise , found himself put straight through to Jonathan Minter .
24 Although it could be argued that it is not really chronology continuing ( as suggested by the chapter title ) because there had been insufficient time specification before 1950 , the sequence of this chapter proceeds from the basic foundations , to the alternative models , to sea level changes , Quaternary geography and hence to the prospect of environmental change .
25 MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL be sure that other people speak direct to the person with hearing loss and NOT to you .
26 This is to the effect that General Loehr prefers to surrender his forces to an Anglo-American command and not to Marshal Tito or Russian command in order to " save members of Croat armed forces and his own troops from Tito and the Bolsheviks " " On 7 May this appeal had been firmly rejected .
27 Applying fonts is still a two stage process — you can set up a default font and up to seven others using the /Global , Spreadsheet , Fonts menu .
28 The House of Lords held ( Viscount Dilhorne and Lord Diplock dissenting ) that the term " settlement " only applies to transactions which include an element of bounty and not to all transactions that were not bona fide commercial transactions .
29 ‘ A single wound of entry situated in the right parietal bone just anterior to the lambdoid suture and close to the saggital suture .
30 The end result is an extremely well-written , amusing narrative which I commend to everyone fortunate enough to have known the Club and particularly to those who will know it in the future .
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