Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun prp] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Negotiations on the formation of an East German government were accompanied by great controversy in both East and West Germany over the terms for the introduction of German monetary union .
2 Spurs defender Danny Thomas claimed damages against Gavin Maguire and his club QPR over an incident which ended his career and this was settled out of court .
3 The western edge of these Atlantic gems are fringed by wonderful , white , shell-sand beaches , backed by flower-bright , green machair plains ; the east coast is rugged and inhospitable , bounding a trackless land , confronting mainland Scotland over the stormy Minch , beyond Cuillin on Skye .
4 Mrs Bridget Prentice 's victory followed that of her husband Gordon over the Tories in Pendle .
5 Having plumped for Hewlett-Packard Co 's PA RISC over the Intel i860 — ‘ because of price/performance ’ — for its next generation of systems , Stratus plans no further computers using the i860 at this time , but says that depends to some extent on whether Intel manages another iteration of its RISC .
6 Ask many who have known him for years , and they will say that he looks most comfortable at his annual visit to the Renaissance Weekend at Hilton Head Island over the New Year holiday .
7 Well I think that we have shown that we 're prepared to support Gorbachev in so far as er peace reform in the Soviet Union , but I think we 've got to look towards our own security in the West and we 've done very well with NATO , with the defensive block NATO over the last 40 years or so , and until we can have cast iron guarantees that Gorbachev is going to be secure and that he 's actually going to carry out his promises we 've got to keep our guard up .
8 My memories of that event are hazy but I felt that I should have somehow or other done something , crawled about the burning ground with my leg hanging off singing ‘ There 'll always be an England ’ and waving a tattered Union Jack over the hedge in defiance .
9 And there is Gregory 's account of Guntram warning Childebert over the behaviour of Egidius , which is placed immediately before his description of the last days of Gundovald .
10 Our figures for oral carcinoma in south east Scotland over the past 10 years show that 456 patients presented with these tumours ; the mean age at presentation was 63.8 years for men and 68.2 years for women .
11 Jarvis , who has had his ups and downs in his relationship with his county Yorkshire over the years , is confident those problems are over too .
12 Baldwin ( 1977 ) traced all child victims of severe abuse ( damage on the scale of multiple fractures , internal injuries , brain damage and death ) who were under the age of five years and living in North East Wiltshire over an eight-year period .
13 Dressed down in T-shirt , torn jeans and thermal long johns , Toni keeps disappearing between songs , agitated at one point actually scolding soundman Kevin over the mic .
14 1991 , 27 , 1151 ) failed to mention that the special exhibition on the work of Sir William Henry Perkin was in addition to a poster exhibition that had been touring Essex and east London over the previous six months .
15 What what the government , what the erm the consortium and paper 's about er , is improving the , the identification band that was hanging over of of health care , once that recipe is will get much larger consortium er , it 's much widespread of er , devotion , expertise er , er professionalism in in assessing health needs er think about one of those areas that have been saved from in West Essex over the last over the last few years and by going into a much larger group with more resources erm , there will , they will be able to actually er work er far , far more effectively in sorting out what 's actually needed .
16 Bain 's most costly legal conflict was with the powerful American company Morse over an alleged infringement of copyright .
17 A SUCCESSFUL tooling company is on the expansion trail , with hopes of 70 new jobs in North Powys over the next three years as a result of a £4m investment programme .
18 The London area plays a pivotal role in national migration patterns ( Flowerdew and Salt , 1979 ; Salt and Flowerdew , 1980 ) , so policy developments relating to south-east England over the next few years will be crucial to the way in which urban and regional patterns of population distribution evolve in the foreseeable future .
19 The middle-aged troubadour was quarrelling with his brother Constantine over the family castle at Hautefort in the border lands between Périgord and the Limousin .
20 The tiny Aussie star , who scored 17 smash hits with svengali Pete Waterman 's record label PWL over a period of five years , admits : ‘ I was bored with being told to smile and go out and make money . ’
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