Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hewlett-Packard Co and Lotus Development Corp duly joined forces to announce the HP 100LX handheld 80C186 machine yesterday : the machine uses Lotus 's cc:Mail Mobile package and the machine , measuring 6.3″ by 3.4″ by 1″ and has an 80 line by 25 character display , is $750 ; adaptors , MS-DOS linking packs and flash cards are offered as options for it ( CI No 2,160 ) .
2 Lotus Development Corp duly launched Release 3 of its Lotus Notes client-server applications environment for workgroups last week ( UX No 428 ) .
3 Since virtually all credits are given to local or regional enterprises , much of the money thereby created returns as deposits to the credit-giving banks .
4 as if to remove any doubt about the prevalence of an American view contrary to the English view , an 1889 United States Supreme Court decision expressly denied enforceability to the ‘ negligence ’ exemption .
5 Again , some psycholinguists maintained that top-down constraint merely facilitated recognition , while others argued that top-down information had to produce hypotheses to compensate for inaccurate acoustic information .
6 The higher profile can only result in more visitors to the existing steam railway operation , and therefore to the Bodmin area as a whole , as well as present much needed employment opportunities .
7 Tolkien perhaps found difficulty in explaining to a Jesuit why a ‘ fundamentally ’ Catholic work should cut out references to religion , but the reason is clear : he thought , or hoped , that God had a plan for pre-Catholics too .
8 I did n't have time to get paranoid about blood poisoning as my heart suddenly stopped beating .
9 The majority only attended sessions on one occasion .
10 Surprisingly the recall data appeared to show enhanced recall of information in the arousal condition , both for peripheral and central information , though this contrast only reached significance for the central information .
11 Only one subject who had received 6.25 µg cholera toxin observed no increase in stool frequency , however , in this case only decreased absorption and not secretion was observed in the test segment .
12 For instance organically farmed food is more expensive .
13 One officer who had worked with him during his short stay in the force laughingly told colleagues that this ‘ college man ’ definitely had one arrest — because he would willingly recall details of his big moment for anyone who was prepared to listen .
14 In practice most informed advisors would say that the 5086 is very under powered for the DTP job that you have in mind .
15 The defendant accepted as a fact that he was holding the revolver when the fatal shot was discharged , but the case for the defence was that the revolver went off accidentally in the course of a struggle during which the defendant forcibly placed Paulette in the driver 's seat .
16 In the past , this practice effectively promoted endowment contracts as borrowers were encouraged to combine protection with investment .
17 The study only found evidence of food reactions in 15 per cent of the patients , compared with 70 per cent in another major study .
18 It was argued that ERDF resources did not in fact represent truly additional aid for problem regions if such aid merely replaced expenditure that national governments would otherwise have incurred themselves .
19 In early days the judiciary greatly encouraged litigants to use it and the number of civil applications rose from 356 in 1981 to 1580 in 1989 , the House of Lords having ruled in 1983 that those seeking redress for an infringement of public law rights must proceed by way of this remedy only .
20 The bear suddenly stopped eating and glared at the knight , its small , piggy eyes red with hatred .
21 But such reconciliatory action only made matters worse , reawakening hostilities in the Marne .
22 The report in the Bude and Stratton Post , headlined MAROONED ON ROCK only made things worse .
23 In a similar vein , Geis ( 1978 : 281 ) writes that ‘ the heavy electrical equipment price-fixing conspiracy alone involved theft from the American people of more money than was stolen in all of the country 's robberies , burglaries , and larcenies during the years in which the price fixing occurred ’ .
24 Anyone who has given online demonstrations and experienced systems breakdown , will appreciate the advantage of having alternative ready prepared demonstration material !
25 So yesterday 's record-beating export figure only covered trade with the world outside the EC and few analysts thought it worthy of much analysis .
26 The addition of lecithin progressively shifted cholesterol to the non vesicular phase .
27 Ashton , that trends in canal investment generally followed changes in the interest rate have not found favour with more recent historians .
28 The barman usually called Jack by his Christian name and Jack knew ‘ Mr Pertwee ’ was a mark never to be repeated , of the respect due to a bridegroom .
29 Leavis always laid claim to the subtler view of controversy , but his doctrine was always easily open , as he knew , to cruder interpretations , and the fire-and-brimstone of his prose sometimes made it hard to interpret or understand in any other way .
30 On Feb. 10 the Air Force formally handed control of its Condor II missile project to the National Space Activities Commission ( CNAE ) , a new space agency , which would develop the missile 's facilities " for peaceful purposes " .
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