Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 As the matter spirals into the black hole , it would make the black hole rotate in the same direction , causing it to develop a magnetic field rather like that of the earth .
2 He must have needed money badly for that
3 A favourite trick was to breathe out as hard as possible , to make the rubber at the side of the face make a noise rather like that of a whoopee cushion .
4 Okay you covered all that okay yeah erm I think the objection bit you could 've been a bit better on that one erm cos that was quite a sort of bad one , well you 're not too sure about sort of giving his name or his telephone number out
5 Once , as she was heading towards the gate ( thus walking in the direction opposite to that which Agnes was to take somewhat later , followed by the gaze of her unfortunate schoolfriend ) , the secretary turned , smiled and lifted her arm out in the air in an unexpected gesture , easy and flowing .
6 Incidentally , Dubhe and Alkaid are moving across the sky in a direction opposite to that of the remaining five stars , so that over a sufficiently long period the Plough will lose its familiar shape .
7 However , tachistoscopic half-field studies with normal subjects suggest that for sinistrals the presence of familial left handedness reduces perceptual asymmetry for non-verbal as for verbal tasks ( Gilbert , 1977 ; Albert and Obler , 1978 ) or shifts the asymmetry in the direction opposite to that for dextrals ( Schmuller and Goodman , 1980 ) .
8 Within each handedness group the difference between female inverters and non-inverters was in the direction opposite to that predicted by Levy and Reid but , for males , the difference was in the predicted direction .
9 As usual , I felt that , on taking leave , I ought to proceed in a direction opposite to that which he was taking , because there was a mystery as to where Eliot lived , and I did not want to appear inquisitive .
10 As he will be aware , for the most part attacks have been going in the direction opposite to that to which he drew attention .
11 'They look better like that do n't they ? ’
12 In enacting a liberal abortion law Maryland pursued an course opposite to that being followed in much of the rest of the country .
13 you , you , you 're relying on , but you did n't really sort of go back and say , I mean I , I would use a phrase like erm you know , regards to planning your future I 'm sure you found that of benefit to you tonight and get re and actually dig a bit deeper in that and say what was it in the , in , in that actual form that , that
14 But before it was a mandatory seven day course regardless of that person 's expertise or you know qualifications .
15 ensuring abundant light , and ventilation in every part of the building together with that character of sober dignity which should ( we venture to consider ) characterise a building of national importance , placed upon one of the most commanding sites in the Metropolis , and intended to correspond with structures of equal grandeur and extent .
16 This has an effect rather like that of a cement mixer .
17 Yeah , it 's true , you take bits of The Sweeney , yeah , they done an episode of where there 's bank raid and what they do n't want they use mask , masking tape right like that and end up .
18 and then you satin stitch all over that , which I 'm in the process of doing .
19 The idea of marriage into the royal house of France had been openly raised at least as early as September 1543 , and presumably had been in the mind of Mary of Guise long before that .
20 And provided there are no hidden complications , Platt should be back in action long before that .
21 I expected a reply somewhat like that .
22 ‘ And you accepted the deal just like that ? ’
23 Competence becomes manifest at that age ; and it is essential to search for its precursors to test whether current techniques are too blunt to detect ‘ latent competence ’ , current models too imprecise to point research optimally in that direction , and current theory too stark in the distinctions it draws to serve the interests of process models .
24 Section 244(1) ( a ) of the Canadian Criminal Code provides : ‘ A person commits an assault when , without the consent of another person , he applies force intentionally to that other person . ’
25 The soft conventionalist could find in that exceedingly abstract consensus a convention that judges must follow whatever conception of law best justifies coercion , and he could then argue , via the route of declaring some conception best on that standard , that this abstract convention actually includes , within its implicit extension , the proposition that precedent cases must be followed when there is no difference in moral principle between the facts presented in the precedents and those in the present case .
26 Even this solution has problems because although the zig-zag is an even number of stitches , depending on which part of the zig-zag is immediately below the ‘ V ’ it can give an irregular effect just at that point .
27 I can wipe the snow away with that . ’
28 yeah , that 's true it does show ya that it can grow though do n't it , not the hair I mean AI AIDS you know if you shave somebody head and got AIDS and you shave his head , he cuts them both , that 's it , two people 's got AIDS just like that .
29 I 'm a great believer in it , I , I park my car close to that and find it a most convenient way of travelling around .
30 The idea of controlling Gazzer , of making Gazzer afraid of him , excited him : it had been evolving in his mind ever since that afternoon 's walk with Marie down to the arcades .
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