Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Full mobility would return to the foot eventually and I 'd be climbing again .
2 His theory connects with Mannheim 's ‘ particular ’ conception of ideology rather than his ‘ total ’ conception in that it is concerned with psychological processes .
3 ‘ Well , I began playing guitar professionally when I was about 15 or 16 years old , and was recording albums by the time I was 17 .
4 To extend a statute to a regrettably omitted case looks like legislation , whereas refusing to extend it to a casus male inclusus is more like imposing a provisional fetter on legislation ( provisional , because Parliament can always come back and include the case expressly if it wants to ) .
5 So , sa her comment probably is erm on the upbringing rather than anything else .
6 Their rows centred on his failure to be available when she needed his support rather than her ability to be physically present but absent in every other way .
7 Like similar assumptions about fresh air and freedom it needs further investigation , otherwise we shall measure its extent rather than its quality , its coverage rather than its benefits .
8 These often involve vowel sounds having their Creole rather than their expected London pronunciations .
9 This has led to waste and inefficiency since the definition of a good hour of work is one that can be charged to the contract rather than one in which some progress has been made .
10 Now we 've just said there needs to be some level somewhere if you 're right down this end of the curve here you 're either asleep or dead so there 's some peak performance at some level of anxiety or arousal and as the anxiety increases the performance drops off .
11 So we respond to what we perceive to be the case rather than what is the case .
12 With the provoking incident of the previous week still fresh in his mind , Lefevre had taken the precaution of hiring a cab in advance of any possible need , telling the driver half-truthfully that he was waiting for someone .
13 Why is it , I wonder , that when books have things spilt on them it is always bottled sauce or gravy of the thickest and most repellent kind rather than something utterly exquisite and delicious ? ’
14 Since the STJ always confined itself to veiled hints of this kind rather than anything more explicit , and since there is little or no literature available on the women 's suffrage movement in Edinburgh , it is impossible to say whether there was indeed any personal connection between the Master Printers and the " West End suffragettes . "
15 So the government have n't got to find that bit rather than them being
16 Manuscripts are usually sent to two or three reviewers , chosen for their expertise rather than their geographical location .
17 I 'd refuse them admission altogether if I could afford to lose the business . ’
18 Her name was Mrs Tobias and Hugh had met her when he handled her divorce case , successfully , because Mr Tobias had made a determined rush for freedom , scattering alimony lavishly as he went .
19 ‘ It 's clearly bad to construct a golf course somewhere where there is an existing habitat , or grassland .
20 My mum right when I put my make-up on in the morning my mum said oh erm she went to the phone box and she phoned up the specialist and they said so I 've got ta go .
21 If we sense that academics could improve the quality of their teaching — if , for example , we find that there is a high rate of students failing to complete their courses — the attention of the academics concerned should be directed to their teaching rather than their research activity .
22 In fact , during pregnancy , she becomes able to ingest and utilise more of the necessary substance than is required by the child alone so that by the end of pregnancy she will be better off for such substances as nitrogen , calcium etc. than she was at the beginning .
23 The manners of the Inhabitants annihilated whatever tender ideas of pleasure my Fancy rather than my Memory had pictured to my Expectation .
24 She had allowed her emotions to run wild over common sense and , now that she was well and truly embroiled in an impossible situation , found that her every reaction was triggered by her heart rather than her head .
25 Still , the season is still young and I 'm prepared to follow my heart rather than my brain and predict a win ( 1–0 ) against Arsenal tonight .
26 This may seem irrelevant to Hamlet taking revenge ; but this scene ( Act IV , Scene V ) shows the contrast between Hamlet , who thinks deeply about actions and their consequences ; and Laertes , the man of action , who does not think at all about the consequences of what he does , being driven by his heart rather than his head .
27 By concentrating on that , they 've not only improved their service level remarkably but they 've also reduced their stock levels at a number of warehousing points and reduced their cost structure . ’
28 So the reason was always that people really needed the money rather than they just wanted to work ?
29 The church is using state money rather than their own money and it was felt that the church had become another agency of the state in this regard .
30 In my hesitation to step forth lay this question : supposing that this encounter revealed my unreality rather than his … ?
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