Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 As the matter spirals into the black hole , it would make the black hole rotate in the same direction , causing it to develop a magnetic field rather like that of the earth .
2 I wonder how many of Expotel 's customers are aware that Expotel 's recommendations are based not on hotel quality but on the self-interested payment up-front of this ‘ sweetener ’ , plus exclusive corporate rates ?
3 who the hell you think you are I 've got a good mind to put your beard right in this food
4 Yet he or she is usually limited by lack of resources , lack of accommodation , lack of contact outside the institution and downright sexual repressiveness within from any sexual expression whatever .
5 He must have needed money badly for that
6 A favourite trick was to breathe out as hard as possible , to make the rubber at the side of the face make a noise rather like that of a whoopee cushion .
7 Perhaps we believe that others perceive us as weak and ineffectual when in reality we choose to make a stand only about those things which really matter , knowing that it often takes more strength to remain calm and in control than to meet aggression with more aggression .
8 ‘ We all rely heavily on our families and friends for support especially at this time , so the event was very much an occasion for families , to say thank you , and to allow visitors to experience the vast scale of the project .
9 5.12.2 Not without the consent in writing of the Landlord to apply for planning permission to carry out any development in or upon the Premises and at the expense of the Tenant to supply the Landlord with a copy of any application for planning permission together with such plans and other documents as the Landlord may [ reasonably ] require and to supply prior to the commencement of any development a copy of any planning permission granted to the Tenant
10 Okay you covered all that okay yeah erm I think the objection bit you could 've been a bit better on that one erm cos that was quite a sort of bad one , well you 're not too sure about sort of giving his name or his telephone number out
11 Once , as she was heading towards the gate ( thus walking in the direction opposite to that which Agnes was to take somewhat later , followed by the gaze of her unfortunate schoolfriend ) , the secretary turned , smiled and lifted her arm out in the air in an unexpected gesture , easy and flowing .
12 Incidentally , Dubhe and Alkaid are moving across the sky in a direction opposite to that of the remaining five stars , so that over a sufficiently long period the Plough will lose its familiar shape .
13 However , tachistoscopic half-field studies with normal subjects suggest that for sinistrals the presence of familial left handedness reduces perceptual asymmetry for non-verbal as for verbal tasks ( Gilbert , 1977 ; Albert and Obler , 1978 ) or shifts the asymmetry in the direction opposite to that for dextrals ( Schmuller and Goodman , 1980 ) .
14 Within each handedness group the difference between female inverters and non-inverters was in the direction opposite to that predicted by Levy and Reid but , for males , the difference was in the predicted direction .
15 As usual , I felt that , on taking leave , I ought to proceed in a direction opposite to that which he was taking , because there was a mystery as to where Eliot lived , and I did not want to appear inquisitive .
16 As he will be aware , for the most part attacks have been going in the direction opposite to that to which he drew attention .
17 As a great believer in the frequent washing of hair , he believes that today 's shampoos are of such high standard that you can wash your hair daily with any of them if you want .
18 'They look better like that do n't they ? ’
19 Visibility Especially to those bosses with more power .
20 Yes I see erm er well I suppose the question is erm well I mean if the aim is to earn money basically in this year out then d do you have any skills which are in high demand and people will pay for ?
21 In enacting a liberal abortion law Maryland pursued an course opposite to that being followed in much of the rest of the country .
22 Jean-Marie Balestre , the president of FISA , has pointed out that the regulations permit an immediate ban regardless of any appeal and there would appear to be no further argument on that point .
23 Fundamental to everything was the bitter experience of Japanese colonialism and the determination to eliminate the legacy of that experience together with those who had collaborated with the Japanese .
24 you , you , you 're relying on , but you did n't really sort of go back and say , I mean I , I would use a phrase like erm you know , regards to planning your future I 'm sure you found that of benefit to you tonight and get re and actually dig a bit deeper in that and say what was it in the , in , in that actual form that , that
25 The CPA 1987 is similar to the SGA 1979 and the SGSA 1982 with respect to merchantibility and fitness for purpose , as it imposes liability only on those acting " in the course of a business " .
26 If one is willing to discard the possibility of Picasso having focused his attention on these particular heads in the Louvre — and this is unlikely since they were not shown on the ground floor like the Osuna reliefs , the Dama de Elche and other important Iberian pieces , but in a small room in the basement together with some twenty other heads — his acquisition of them is useful in establishing a chronological sequence for the painting of the different sections of the Demoiselles .
27 But before it was a mandatory seven day course regardless of that person 's expertise or you know qualifications .
28 And the insane , uncontrollable screaming of ‘ I 'm gon na be a pop star might be a bit much for some .
29 That we Jews have our own country instead of being small part only of many countries .
30 A second point , raised by Brown and his colleagues ( 1986c ) concerned the decision by Henderson to analyse the role of support only for those women completely free from any psychiatric symptoms .
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