Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 And there was n't the defence the water defences , tide defences on the west shore then that there is now you know .
2 The scheme was criticized by Second Division Clubs on the grounds that they had to share the onus equally with the better-off .
3 Meanwhile the Americans could draw up contingency plans on the assumption that there would be air bases in Egypt from which to strike against southern Russia .
4 Resistance groups on the Continent frequently produced schemes for a European structure which could prevent another war and some were ready to create a political federation .
5 Now 12 and mad about chemistry , he enjoys building molecules on the kitchen table .
6 Darlington Waggon and Engineering Company ( DWEC ) won many bridge building contracts on the Assam Bengal Railway between Chittagong , Syhlet and Dacca from 1884–92 .
7 Despite the avalanche of PIM products on the market , I still have n't found one that makes printing decent calendars easy , not even the great Lotus Organiser .
8 The protection patterns on the two strands are identical but offset from each other in the 3'-direction by 3 nucleotides .
9 On the distribution side , it has been building greenfield warehouses on the Continent and recently paid £10m to buy a facility in Warrington out of receivership .
10 Ultimately , the effect of the introduction of index futures on the information content of share prices is an empirical matter .
11 She had been unpopular with militant nationalists , who suspected her of being too conciliatory towards Moscow , and they voted down her price rise proposals on the grounds that they might prove socially divisive and thus weaken Lithuania 's resistance to Soviet pressure .
12 Experiments examining the effect of cholesteryl esters on the stability of isolated pancreatic lysosomes were carried out using cholesteryl oleate incorporated into phosphatidylcholine vesicles .
13 There have been only limited studies which directly address the effect of cholesteryl esters on the stability of biologic membranes .
14 Pete must have watched a lot of Open University programmes on the outside .
15 When passive smokers were divided into high and low exposure groups on the basis of the amount smoked by their cohabitees , those highly exposed had higher rates of symptoms and death .
16 With the team in place Clinton will be ready to swing into action putting his detailed budget proposals on the table by March .
17 Consequently , more time can be spent by the clearinghouse personnel on the sophisticated and time-consuming enquiries which require information and material that has not been or can not be conveniently added to the database , an those which are of an advisory nature .
18 When they 're ready now wonder what century they are at now thank you Ben leave there 's a good boy If a proper lady was here we 'd shut you in the kitchen claws on the lino and I think what 's he doing ? he was n't scratching and we and he chasing a fly round the kitchen .
19 Even after the RICS rules on the methods of carrying on business are further relaxed , partnership may continue to be the normal form .
20 Rainow , Cheshire-based Eden says that it has been working with unnamed telecommunications operators and user groups on the design of the phone , and envisages both business customers and consumers being interested in the device .
21 The additions to this B-tree have had no effect on the index entries on the left-hand side of the tree , but have led to several changes to the right-hand index entries .
22 Thousands of embittered clients of various licensed dealers , and of the bucket shops on the Continent on whom were foisted speculative shares bear testimony to this .
23 The barn owl preys on the most abundant small mammal species available , and it can adapt to different sized prey depending on availability .
24 ( In the SCAN scheme of analysis — see reference 2 — which we have developed to provide feedback to curriculum designers on the use of their material , we call these 1 and 3 levels of teacher guidance respectively , the level of demand is similarly classified unc The classification has been found useful much more widely .
25 The convener went on to warn against funding schools on the basis of their pupil numbers .
26 The first heavy drops splashed in coin shapes on the pavement below and in their tubs the pink flowers on the forecourt dipped and swayed .
27 ‘ I still expect ter see 'im come walkin' out o' that yard , ’ she said , nodding to the Galloway stables on the bend of the street .
28 There , in an upper hall a great log fire blazed and all was comfort and warmth , with attractive furnishings , colourful wall-hangings and tapestries , cushioned benches , skin rugs on the floor and the feminine touch everywhere evident .
29 There 's a man cooking chestnuts on the corner and I stop and warm my hands over the fire and look at the Christmas tree .
30 On Monday , when Sara had left the house early to see to things in two of the toy shops on the other side of the county , he could find nothing at home that he felt up to doing .
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