Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] in each " in BNC.

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1 Continuous assessment programmes in each area of study must be totally integrated with and supportive of the specification for the topic area .
2 Whereas research groups in each area are to conduct surveys of workers , the parallel survey of employers is to be conducted centrally for all the areas by the Policy Studies Institute , but in close collaboration with the local research groups .
3 ( The terms C 3 and C 4 indicate the number of carbon atoms in each molecule of the main type of sugar that each plant manufactures out of carbon dioxide and water as a result of photosynthesis . )
4 The number of bowel actions in each three day faecal collection was also recorded .
5 Sample surveys , carried out in collaboration with research partners in each country , are designed to gather information on the principal structural features of the new forms of business organisation .
6 The meetings programme includes small workshops bringing together academics with government and private sector economists ; lunchtime discussion meetings at which Research Fellows speak on policy-relevant topics , with audiences from Whitehall , Westminster , business and the academic community ; academic workshops , seminars , colloquia and conferences ; and periodic meetings of the Research Fellows in each programme to discuss and organise research and to plan new research initiatives .
7 Principal components are defined in terms of combinations of the pixel values in each of the four MSS or seven TM bands .
8 The application of the structure of the indirect tax system to the estimated consumption patterns in each group enables the integration of the indirect with the direct tax system .
9 The Majority Report wished to replace the Guardians with public assistance authorities in each borough or county , consisting partly of members of the elected local authority and partly of co-opted members of local philanthropic organizations , with the role of investigating and assisting poverty .
10 From this conclusion , he estimates the ‘ equilibrium benefit level ’ for AFDC recipients in each State , given its labour market conditions , and from that derives the adjustments which would have to be made in payment levels to reach those equilibria .
11 The Chiefs of Staff and most senior officers on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific knew each other , having served together on NATO , CENTO , and SEATO staffs and in exchange appointments in each others ' armed forces .
12 He has found the management problems in each sector to be remarkably similar .
13 Each Test Pack contains two pads , with 40 tear-off test papers in each pad .
14 Foreign-based banks must have a nostro account(s) correspondent banks in each currency 's financial centre , e.g. dollars in New York , French francs in Paris .
15 The deal will provide unrestricted walk-on fares in each direction , without the usual special offer snags like Saturday stop-overs and peak-flight restrictions .
16 As well as a detailed examination of national and foreign published material , the project will gather new information through a series of in-depth interviews with Government policy makers concerned with debt renegotiation strategies and their broader political and social consequences , the chief business organisations in each country , politicians , policy-makers , Church representatives , trade union and community leaders — paying particular attention to the inter-relationship of economic and socio-political issues .
17 Recall that the fieldworkers were anxious to reach central community networks in each area in order to gain access to vernacular speech .
18 All four restaurants are situated near the main shopping and business centres in each town and have the advantage of accessible car parking .
19 Do we not owe it to community charge payers in each of those areas to ensure that the best value is obtained for their money and that they get the most efficient service ?
20 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
21 The Communications Access Processor is designed to enable mainframe users to add Unix systems to their SNA networks without the risk and high costs of redundancy or re-engineering networks — existing SNA networks and terminals can be used to access Unix , and the processor also provides complete SNA-Unix integration from the desktop devices in each environment , preserving the current user interfaces of each environment as well as integrating multiple network architectures over one SNA backbone , managed by IBM NetView ; a CAP 200 for 30 lines is $70,865 , CAP 250 for 180 is $94,392 , from September .
22 Nuclear DNA content of at least 10000 tumour cells in each block were measured with an EPICS C flow cytometer .
23 It examines the ways in which the impact of unemployment may be mediated by distinctive characteristics of the family and community contexts in each country and by broader variations in working class culture and political socialisation .
24 erm you know we know the special case officers in each of the areas , and we also liaise erm on behalf of people who come in with problems to them .
25 The stepping motor shown in Fig. 1.3(b) has eight stator/rotor teeth and is in the position corresponding to excitation of stack A. looking along the axial length of the motor the rotor teeth in each stack are aligned , whereas the stator teeth have different relative orientations between stacks , so in stacks and G the stator and rotor teeth are not fully aligned .
26 The researchers admit that they have not yet achieved the ‘ ideal scheme ’ , for the switching is not truly random , but is related to the ( different ) periodic frequencies of the generators driving the standing waves in each cell .
27 c ) Nine panel designs/Irregular saltire designs There is a distinction to be drawn here between those mosaics which exhibit nine-panels by including quarter roundels in each of their four corners , and those which extend decoration found on the " arms of a saltire " to the corners , where it.supports individual motifs .
28 We piloted to over two hundred students er so I mean , I , I think erm that , that 's very important to stress , also that we are distributing through student links , so it 's going through , through both the , the student unions in Oxford , through , through the Poly union , through sort of , through informal links there and then through the welfare offices in each college at the university .
29 The weights were derived from hospital bed utilization rates in each age-sex category ; if , for example , elderly women accounted for three times as many bed-days as middle-aged men , they counted three times as heavily in calculating the weighted population total .
30 One enhancement is to provide two mark bits in each character , an " item mark " and " word mark " bit ; if both bits are set this is called a " record mark " .
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