Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] say that " in BNC.

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1 Is the Prime Minister aware that building employers say that conditions are worse than they have been in 40 years , that car sales are down 20 per cent .
2 It 's all very well for all the major computer manufacturers to say that all the money is in software and services these days , and that hardware is a commodity business , but if no-one wants to make the hardware , there 's no industry .
3 We then collect together all the remaining processor flags and registers into what is known as a process state word or PSW ( some computer manufacturers say that the P stands for " processor " , or , incorrectly , for " program " ) .
4 In evaluations of the length of time spent on supervised clinical allocation before employment , the vast majority of course tutors said that course members felt that time allowed was inadequate , and would happily have continued for longer .
5 The RICS guidance notes said that an application could be made by letter , although it would not be processed until the official form had been completed and the fee paid .
6 He knew that it would be going to the Ministry of Defence , but the paperwork submitted to the Department of Trade and Industry would state that the purchaser was the Ministry of Agriculture ; Department of Trade and Industry rules said that manufactured goods could be exported to Iraq only if they had no military usage .
7 Several thousand people massed in the streets of Bamako , and opposition groups said that 148 had been killed and hundreds wounded in the three days .
8 On April 21 a statement signed by all major opposition groups said that the " frustrating and disappointing " new Cabinet represented " a challenge to popular opinion " and that the ruling family was thereby " opening many doors , threatening national unity and blowing the winds of unease , doubts and evil " .
9 Opposition deputies said that the bill would establish " an apartheid regime " , as citizenship had implications for obtaining work and property ownership .
10 Salomon Brothers says that in ten of 11 categories , including nappies , toothpaste and washing powder , P&G 's market share fell last year .
11 Following this decree , a meeting of representatives of 130 opposition parties said that they would not participate in the conference unless it had sovereign powers .
12 Investment bankers say that grey markets allow short-selling that drives down a new issue 's price .
13 Leaders of opposition factions said that Mr Yeltsin 's easy ride meant they were simply holding their fire for a more opportune moment to challenge the government during the nine-day Congress .
14 Industry watchers say that if the SQL Access Group survives and successfully markets completed specifications by the summer , then the two products can co-exist .
15 On Aug. 24 aid officials said that the UN had once more suspended flights to Juba after shells landed near a plane unloading food at Juba 's airport .
16 Oil industry officials said that Mexico would have to import some petrol products until a new 300,000 bpd plant was completed .
17 Aid workers say that hoes , fertiliser , blankets and clothes are badly needed , but that maize is not .
18 Administration officials said that an emergency meeting of the National Security Council ( NSC ) considered deploying US troops to back the rebels on Tuesday , but decided against it .
19 Bush said , however , that he would use his executive discretion to modify or suspend US sanctions when two more of the five conditions were met ; administration officials said that they expected the freeing of political prisoners and the lifting of the state of emergency in Natal to be regarded as adequate moves .
20 Administration officials said that to achieve that goal , the planes would fly at night and high enough to avoid danger of being shot down and would have no combat escorts .
21 Brigade officers said that but for the two men 's prompt action the woman almost certainly would have died .
22 The secretary of the local tennis club telephones to say that he wants to make a booking for their annual dinner and dance .
23 Reports using Kurdish opposition sources said that Saddam Hussein had named Brig. -Gen .
24 Yesterday Department sources said that the father is launching a legal battle in Buenos Aires to get control of the girl .
25 The newswire quotes industry executives saying that the trio plan to announce by the end of the month that they have produced a working sample of the chip , which they had not expected to be ready until early next year .
26 Aid agencies say that although well-meaning , the volunteers are threatening official relief work by making aid lorries vulnerable to attack .
27 Some club members say that problems have arisen because power at Rugby has been restricted to a small executive committee , and major constitutional changes at the club now seem likely at the annual meeting in June .
28 When the measures to privatise British Telecom were being debated in the House , Opposition Members said that the public telephone box was threatened with extinction .
29 What humbug it is for some Opposition Members to say that one should buy British and then travel around in foreign cars .
30 It is difficult for Opposition Members to say that there is no problem and that money can be spent because the general tide of expert opinion is in the Government 's favour .
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